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2003年10月,美国高盛投资公司发表了一份在国际上引起很大反响的研究报告,题为《BRICs之梦:通往2050年之路》。报告预测了巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国等四个发展中大国的发展前景,认为四国经济的高速增长将持续到2050年左右,其经济总量2025年能达到美、日、德、英、法、意等“G6”集团的一半;2045年将超过“G6”集团。姑不论这一预测是否准确,仅就该报告所揭示的“BRICs现象”就值得学界认真加以探讨。该报告反映了什么?又意味着什么?如何看待四国的发展及其相互关系?带着这些问题,本期我们邀请中国现代国际关系研究院的六位专家举行对谈,期望能引起您的高度重视,并思考就这一现象作出更进一步的经济政治学解释。 In October 2003, the United States Goldman Sachs Investment Company published a study that has aroused great repercussions in the world entitled “The Dream of BRICs: The Road to 2050”. The report predicts the development prospects of the four developing countries such as Brazil, Russia, India and China. The report predicts that the rapid economic growth of the four countries will continue until around 2050, and its total economy will reach the levels of the United States, Japan, Germany, Britain and France in 2025 , Italy, “G6” half of the group; 2045 will be more than “G6” group. Regardless of whether this prediction is accurate, it is only for the academic community to seriously discuss the “BRICs phenomenon” revealed in this report. What does this report reflect and what does it mean? How do we view the development of the four countries and their interrelationships? With these questions, we invite six experts from the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations to hold discussions in the hope that this will give you a high degree of Attention and thinking of this phenomenon to make further economic and political interpretation.
西单的一个咖啡厅里,我手捧一本新淘来的照片集,伴着芬芳的咖啡香,仔细咂摸着老北京的夏天。老北京的夏天像人的青春,充满了快乐与希望。它回味无穷,令人流连忘返。  老北京的夏天是极好的。夏日来临,街坊四邻依然不紧不慢、一板一眼去理会每天的生活。太阳一出来就如同下了火,窗台、院墙都热得烫手,树叶打了蔫,所以老人们就会说:“这天儿跟下火似的。”但只有这样的酷热和干燥,才是老北京的味儿。  虽然酷暑难耐,而
介绍了用人工神经网络建模预测300M超高强度钢磨削烧伤的方法。经试验,该方法效果很好。 The method of artificial neural network modeling for predicting the burn of 300M u
正常晶体与房水产生和排出没有直接关系,但在其出现某些病变时,却可引起眼压升高,因晶体病变不同,发生机制也不一致。 Normal crystal and aqueous humor production and d
角巩膜穿通伤合并虹膜脱出,在眼外伤中极为常见,但对脱出虹膜在处理原则上存在分歧。作者从74年开始对84例虹膜脱出予以还纳复位,获得良好效果。现报导如下: (一)处理方法:
对封闭式差动轮系进行了受力分析,揭示了封闭系统所起的作用以及轮系中的功率分流和力分流的现象. The force analysis of closed differential gear train was carried out t