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“凤凰”号肩负着在火星北极“探冰”和监测火星极地气候两大任务,预定降落在火星表面北纬65度至72度区域内,进行就地勘测,它的主要工作任务是什么呢?研究火星极地的气候、天气及其与地面的相互作用,分析北纬70度附近低空大气的成分,重点探测水、冰、尘粒、稀有气体和CO2,并在大气层下降过程中测量大气的特性:描述北部地区的地貌及地貌形成过程,测量表面下层土壤的物理特性、重点研究水的作用;测量水成矿物、土壤中的水分和有机成分:验证“奥德赛”关于近表面层有冰水的发现;了解水、冰和极区气候变化历史,研究过去和现在火星表面及表面下层环境中存在生命的可能性。 “Phoenix ” is shouldering the two tasks of “exploring the ice” and monitoring the polar climate of Mars on the North Pole of Mars. It is scheduled to land in the region of 65 to 72 degrees north latitude on the surface of Mars for on-the-spot investigation and its main tasks What is it? Studying the climate and weather of Mars and its interaction with the ground, analyzing the composition of the low-altitude atmosphere around 70 degrees north latitude, focusing on the detection of water, ice, dust particles, rare gases and CO2 and measuring during the descent of the atmosphere Atmospheric characteristics: Describe the geomorphology and geomorphology of the northern region, measure the physical properties of the underlying soils, and focus on the role of water; measure water-mineral and soil moisture and organic constituents: Validation “Odyssey” The discovery of ice and water; understand the history of climate change in water, ice and polar regions to study the possibility of existence in the past and present and the subsurface Mars environment.
摘要:探讨制定《四川省电力设施保护和供用电秩序维护条例》时所应遵循的原则,并就该条例的立法提出若干具体理由。  关键词:两会;四川省;电力;立法  作者简介:翟峰(1956-),男,四川广元人,广元市人大城乡建设环境资源保护委员会主任。(四川广元628017)  中图分类号:F407.61文献标识码:A文章编号:1007-0079(2011)09-0087-01    2011年恰逢“十二五”规划
China’s first lunar probe,Chang’e-1, blasts off aboard a Long March 3A carrier rocket at 6:05 p.m.(10:05 GMT)from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichu
据报道,海南省近日通过了多项地方性法规,引人关注的是,其中两项法规的二次审议稿中曾出现关于“改革创新失败免责”的条款,但在最终表决草案中被删除。有关部门称,原因在于“该条款在实践中难以把握,容易产生规避法律的行为”。  深圳早在2006年、重庆也于2009年在地方性法规中规定了类似免责条款,但目前尚无公开资料显示两地曾启动过免责调查。那么,“革新失败免责”到底该不该入法,这样的免责条款在地方性法规