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  Many believe that making a remarkable entrance is of the utmost importance, because “you only get one chance to make a first impression,” right? I think we’ve all been preached that clichéd idiom more times than we’d like to remember. But what about making an exit? When’s the right time? What will be lost or gained from bidding either a premature or overdue adieu to a given circumstance?
  I’ve been getting better and better at timing my exits, like Indiana Jones eluding a massive landslide, with just enough time to reach back and grab my trusty hat and whip. Except, in the real world, you don’t need lightning quick reflexes or a diary of anthropological history like “Indy” had; all you have to do is trust your gut instincts and commit to change, because an exit is just the prelude to a new beginning.
  For this month’s first feature, Zarrin Darnell-Martin tells unsure students to Drop Out of University and Tune in to Yourselves if you want to discover your true potential. Next, in Why I Told My Daughter to Quit Her Job, Holly Robinson doesn’t get mad when her daughter wants to quit her highpaying environmental engineering job, because she realizes that there is void inside us all that money and power simply cannot fill. And Barbara Ross takes a stroll down memory lane in My Mother Had to Get Rid of a Lifetime of Treasures, as she shares the greatest gift of all with her mother, in the process of moving her into assisted living, by helping find a loving home for all her prized possessions.
  So, don’t be afraid to bid a hasty retreat and say goodbye to part of your life, because it’s just another turn of the page, signaling the start of a brand new chapter, in a story with boundless possibilities.
宽恕他人, 你会发现原来一直被困在牢笼里的那个人是你自己。  The dream startled me so much that I woke up gasping, my hand clutching the 1)comforter. My husband’s gentle snore and the familiar shapes in our darkened bedroom reassu
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小编喜欢读这个童话故事,可不仅仅是因为它是英国大文豪托尔金的代表作,还在于它是一位超级“学霸”父亲“屈尊”为儿子创作的一本小书……  J·R·R·托尔金(1892—1973)是英国的天才语言学家,牛津大学教授,古英语专家,1919—1920年《牛津英语词典》的编委成员。1937年,《霍比特人》出版,由于赢得好评如潮,出版商建议托尔金续写故事。结果,托尔金一写就写了十几年,写出了气势磅礴的史诗作品—
For years, I was lost in that delicate dance of working and raising young children. Breakfast at seven. Clothes picked out. Backpacks filled. Off to school. Drive to sports…or music lessons…or friends
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Put your make-up on  Get your nails done  Curl your hair  Run the extra mile  Keep it slim  So they like you, do they like you?  Get your sexy on  Don’t be shy, girl  Take it off  This is what you wan
A ngelina Jolie, in publicly airing the details of a surgery that forced her into early 1)menopause, is taking an activist approach to oversharing.  Let’s talk about menopause. Or let’s talk, at least