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  For years, I was lost in that delicate dance of working and raising young children. Breakfast at seven. Clothes picked out. Backpacks filled. Off to school. Drive to sports…or music lessons…or friends’houses. Dinner. Homework. Bed. And in between babies’ naps and play dates and taxiing, I fit in my “real”job—online teaching and academic advising. Phew.
  I remember, oh so clearly, that morning I brought my third child home from the hospital. As I walked in the door, carrying a day-old baby, the home phone rang. Out of habit, I rushed to answer, only to be greeted by a student asking questions about his courses. Looking back, I can almost see that red flag floating over my head, warning me that something had to change.
  That filled-to-the-brim schedule went on for years. It was, at first, delightfully exhausting. Predictably, though, it wore me down.
  One evening, after a conference with a student, a homework session with a 10-year-old, and a midnight baking 1) stint for a fifth-grade class party, I 2)slumped to the floor. I can’t make another batch of cookies, I thought. I don’t want to advise another student. I had gone from superwoman to broken-down woman, right there in my dimly lit kitchen, with my family all safely tucked into bed.
  Pulling myself up off the floor, I realized I had to get out of Dodge. It took me less than 24 hours to make my plans.
  “I’m going on a journey,” I announced at a family dinner that week.
  “To the mall?” my young daughter asked.
  “No,” I explained. “I’m going on a trip–alone–to Los Angeles. And I’m taking the cross-country train.”
  A quick flight to a neighboring state held no interest. Rather, I pulled out the 3)Amtrak map, selected their longest route and reserved a ticket to Southern California.
  I had never had much desire to visit Los Angeles. But a not-so-appealing-to-me place and a lengthy journey—was a draw. I didn’t want to spend my days rushing to tourist spots. That was the type of vacation I’d taken with my children for years. On this trip, I wanted no agenda, no plans.

  And so, on a frigid winter night, I boarded a train in New York and headed for Chicago, where I’d switch to Amtrak’s daily sleeper to Los Angeles.
  Almost at once, I felt the stress fade away. I was assigned my own room—well, more broomcloset-like, than room-like—but nonetheless, beautifully my own. A porter turned my seat into a bed for me each night, and I was rocked to sleep by the 4)chugging of the engine, the swaying of the cars. I ate community meals and sipped wine in the observation car, lulled into a near zombielike state as the train passed cities, crossed cornfields and tunneled through mountain ranges.   Three days later, rested, I exited at Union Station in Los Angeles. 5)Clutching my bag on arrival, I expected to battle the bustle of a big city station. Instead, my guard was released. Sunshine drenched the terra-cotta-tiled hallways, and travelers strolled casually, free, it seemed, from concern.
  For days I walked the streets of Los Angeles. With little interest in the high-end stores and galleries, I spent most of my time on side streets. It was on one of those not-so-well-traveled paths where I met Sebastian, a homeless 15-year-old, who approached me for money.
  “Can we sit?” I asked, startled that a boy, not much older than my son, was on his own.

  We talked about drugs and goals and his mother’s problems.
  “Go back to school,” I said as I folded a bill into his palm.
  “Go back to your kids,” he answered, grinning, and wandered away.
  The time flew by, without a cent spent at the usual tourist attractions. There were no tours of movie lots, no excursions to the beach. It was an unconventional visit; one not typically highlighted on the pages of a travel section.
  During my final afternoon, I hiked the trails of the Hollywood Hills. Alone, I pressed on, awed by the beauty, overcome by the views, and energized by the life flowing through my veins.
  More than a year has now passed since that trip and my renewed zest for life has only grown. Within weeks of returning, I signed up for a photography class. I joined a rowing club. I set firm hours for student calls. In short, I fit “me-time” into my busy load.
  Yes, I now miss some family dinners in favor of evening rows. And I allow myself midday work breaks, particularly if the lighting is good for shooting pictures. Still, the family thrives. The work gets done. And, wonderfully, my smile broadens.

  “我准备去旅行,”在那周全家一起吃晚饭时,我对他们宣布了这件事。   “去购物中心吗?”我的小女儿问道。
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小编喜欢读这个童话故事,可不仅仅是因为它是英国大文豪托尔金的代表作,还在于它是一位超级“学霸”父亲“屈尊”为儿子创作的一本小书……  J·R·R·托尔金(1892—1973)是英国的天才语言学家,牛津大学教授,古英语专家,1919—1920年《牛津英语词典》的编委成员。1937年,《霍比特人》出版,由于赢得好评如潮,出版商建议托尔金续写故事。结果,托尔金一写就写了十几年,写出了气势磅礴的史诗作品—