福建省第九届人民代表大会常务委员会第三十次会议审议了省人民政府所作的关于废止《福建省保障和发展邮电通信条例》等三项地方性法规的议案及其说明和省人大法制委员会所作的关于废止《福建省财产拍卖条例》等地方性法规和部分决定决议及法规解释的议案及其说明。会议认为,《福建省保障和发展邮电通信条例》等地方性法规和部分决定决议及法规解释颁布施行后,在一定时期内对我省的改革开放、经济发展和社会稳定,起到了积极的促进作用。但鉴于这些法规、决定决议及法规解释或与上位法、WTO 规则不相一致,或已有了新的法律、法规所代替,或实施期限届满,已无存在的必要,决定自即日起废止下列地方性法规、决定决议及法规解释:
The 30th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth People’s Congress of Fujian Province examined the proposal and annotations made by the provincial people’s government on abolishing the three local laws and regulations such as the “Fujian Provincial Regulations on the Protection and Development of Posts, Telecommunications and Communications” Made on the abolition of “Fujian Province Property Auction Ordinance” and other local laws and regulations and part of the decision resolution and statutory interpretation of the motion and its description. The meeting held that after the promulgation and promulgation of the “Fujian Provincial Regulations on the Protection and Development of Posts and Telecommunications” and other local regulations and decisions and the interpretation of laws and regulations, it has promoted the reform and opening up, economic development and social stability in our province within a certain period of time effect. However, in view of the fact that these laws and regulations decide the resolution and the interpretation of laws and regulations or are inconsistent with the above-mentioned laws and WTO rules, or have been replaced by new laws and regulations, or the expiration of the implementation deadline, there is no such necessity and the decision to abolish the following Local laws and regulations, decisions Resolutions and legal interpretations: