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2007年5月,国务院决定在教育部直属师范大学实行师范生免费教育。采取这一重大举措,就是要进一步形成尊师重教的浓厚气氛,让教育成为全社会最受尊重的事业;就是要培养大批优秀的教师;就是要提倡教育家办学,鼓励更多的优秀青年终身做教育工作者。为进一步发挥我国教育学科和师范教育的优势,深化师范教育改革,构建特色鲜明的师范教育人才培养模式,教育部、财政部、中央编办、人事部颁布《教育部直属师范大学师范生免费教育实施办法(试行)》(国发办[2007]34号)。本文就高师音乐院校免费师范生培养模式展开研究。一、指导思想实施免费师范生教育,是遵循党和国家的教育方针,体现教育的三个方面,牢固树立素质教育理念,围绕培养造就优秀教师和教育家的目标,大力推进师范教育改革。特别要根据基础教育发展和课程改革的要求,精心制定教育培养方案,在全面推进学分制改革的总体思想指导下,按照通识教育基础上的宽口径专业培养的基本要求,重新审视师范专业人才培养目标,进一步优化师范教育课程体系和教学资源,创新教学组织形式、改革教学内容和方法,积极探索综合化与个性化相结合的人才培养模式,努力培养“人格健全、素养深厚、基础扎实、理念先进、技能突出”的基础教育优秀师资,进一步彰显“注重人格塑造、突出综合培养、强化实践训练、服务基础教育”的师范教育人才培养特色。 In May 2007, the State Council decided to implement free education for normal students in the normal university directly under the Ministry of Education. To take this important measure is to further form a vigorous atmosphere of respecting teachers and educating teachers so that education will become the most respected undertaking of the whole society; that is, to train a large number of outstanding teachers; that is, to encourage educators to run schools and encourage more outstanding young people Lifelong education worker. In order to give full play to the advantages of our educational disciplines and teacher education in our country, deepen the reform of teacher education and build a distinctive model of training teachers for normal education, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, the Central Organization Department and the Ministry of Personnel have promulgated the “Free Education for Teacher-Students in Normal Universities Implementation Measures (Trial) ”(Guo Fa [2007] No. 34). This article studies the training model of normal college students in normal colleges and universities. First, the guiding ideology The implementation of free education for normal students is to follow the party and state education policy, reflect the three aspects of education, firmly establish the concept of quality education, focus on cultivating the goal of creating outstanding teachers and educators, and vigorously promote teacher education reform. In particular, according to the requirements of the development of basic education and curriculum reform, we must carefully formulate education programs and, under the guidance of the overall idea of ​​promoting the reform of the credit system in an all-round way, conduct a thorough review of the basic requirements of wide-caliber professional training based on general education Training objectives, and further optimize the teacher education curriculum system and teaching resources, innovate teaching organization, reform the teaching content and methods, and actively explore integrated and personalized combination of personnel training mode, and strive to cultivate “sound personality, profound knowledge, solid foundation With advanced ideas and outstanding skills ”and further highlighting the characteristics of“ normal education ”personnel training featuring“ focusing on personality creation, highlighting comprehensive training, strengthening practical training, and serving basic education. ”
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