
来源 :大众商务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cq2427
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西安金钟大厦举办的脱衣促销活动令全国一片哗然。人们纷纷对这种“大胆”的促销举动提出赞赏或强烈斥责。那么在营销界对于这种“大胆”的脱衣促销“创意”有什么看法。本刊钩沉了近两年的营销脱衣促销案例,在营销人中展开了一项大讨论。 The unveiling of promotional activities organized by the Xi’an Admiralty Building set the country aback. People are admiring or strongly reprimanding such “bold” promotions. So what is the opinion of the marketing community about this “bold” strip promotion “creativity”? This magazine has been hooked with marketing promotion cases for the past two years and has initiated a major discussion among marketers.
请看下面的句子:1.When you meet her, please tell her about it.2.He encountered many difficulties.3.I met with some difficulties on the way..4.I’ve just come ac
自本刊2005年第4期《诸葛烤鱼引爆三国饮食文化》一文报道后,读者反响十分强烈,为此借《大众商务》之版面,将读者所关心的问题答复如下: 1.“诸葛烤鱼”与传统烧烤做法不同,它
Do you know Lent term ? 一般说来,Lent是动词lend(租、贷、借)的过去分词,term表示期间;期限;界限;费用;术语等意思。那么,这句问话是否可译成:“你知道公寓的租金吗?”回
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
2005年第4期《打造家庭创业经典, 塑料制袋机突显巨大商机》刊出后,函电甚多,现将读者咨询热点问题答复如下一、塑料方便袋的市场需求有多大? 塑料方便袋是生活必备品,人人必
convention,custom,habit,practice 这四个词都可表示“习惯”,你能区别它们的不同吗?请做下面的练习题。1.Don’t let the children fall into bad__.A)practices B)custom
1)保守秘密: This piece of information has not been made public yet, so keep itunder your hat. Remember don’t let the cat out of the bag. 这条消息尚未公开,因此