
来源 :思想政治课教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sinohydromusc
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为贯彻落实中国教育学会中学政治课教学研究会第二届第二次常务理事会议精神,进一步落实华东地区六省一市中学政治课教研会学术活动计划,10月13日在上海召开了华东地区中学政治课教研会工作交流会。中国教育学会中学政治课教研会副秘书长,华东地区组组长李春生主持了会议。中国教育学会中学政治课教研会副理事长浦以安、常务理事龚东生参加了会议。与会同志围绕贯彻落实全国教研会第二届理事会工作计划要点和第二启第二次常务理事会议精神,交流了各省市教研会学术活动计划和开展中学思想政治课教学研究工作的经验,着重讨论了华东地区中学政治课教研会的协作问题。为了促进华东地区各省市中 In order to implement the spirit of the Second Session of the Second Session of the Second Session of the Chinese Academy of Education Politics Teaching Research Seminar, we further implemented the academic activities of the Middle School Political Class Teaching and Research Conference in East China, and held it in Shanghai on October 13th. Middle School Political Class Teaching and Research Association Work Exchange. Li Chunsheng, deputy secretary-general of the Institute of Political Studies of the Chinese Education Society Middle School, and the East China Regional Group chaired the meeting. Pu Yi’an, deputy director of the Political Education Seminar of the Chinese Education Society, and Gong Dongsheng, executive director of the Institute of Political Education attended the meeting. The participating comrades focused on implementing the spirit of the second session of the National Council’s Working Plan for the Second Council and the second session of the Second Session of the Standing Committee, and exchanged experiences of the academic activities of the provincial and municipal teaching and research institutes and the teaching research of the ideological and political classes in middle schools. Discussed the issue of collaboration in teaching seminars for middle school politics in East China. In order to promote the provinces and cities in East China
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平面几何中证明比例式或等积式的问题,许多同学往往感到困难。原因是证明方法比较多且很灵活,本文给出解此类题的证明方法。 The problem of proving a proportional or is
问题:单项选择题数集x={(2n+1)π,n为整数}与y={(4k±1)π, k为整数}之间的关系是()。 A.x(?)y;B.x(?)y;C.x=y;D.x(?)y。这是八四年的一道高考题。考后对学生的调查发现学生