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前年我们进行绿萍春繁时,发现杂萍(主要是青萍)繁殖速度远远超过绿萍,抑制了绿萍的生长。我们用农药防除杂萍,效果不大。为什么在春繁中杂萍占优势呢?我们研究后认为,这是在自然越冬过程中,由于低温,大量绿萍死亡,存活的数量少,且弱萍较多,繁殖能力差;春繁期间,杂萍的生命力和适应性均较绿萍强,所以杂萍繁殖快,抑制了绿萍。针对这种情况,我们采取“密放、密养、勤分”的办法,有效地抑制了杂萍为害。具体做法是:一、对杂萍较多的萍母田,先耕耙一次,然后消毒(撒石灰或喷二二三、六六六等)施肥(每亩施磷肥15斤左右)。二、利用绿萍喜群生的特点,集中放足萍种或将零散萍种收拢,使其覆盖水面而又不重叠,使绿萍 Two years ago, when we conducted Lvping Chunfan, we found that Spodoptera (mainly Qingping) reproductive rate far exceeded that of Lupin and inhibited the growth of Lupin. We use pesticides to prevent miscellaneous Ping, little effect. Why do we take advantage of spider plants in spring? After the study, we concluded that during the natural wintering period, due to the low temperature, the death of a large number of plants, the small number of surviving, weak weeds and poor reproductive capacity; Ping vitality and adaptability are stronger than Luping, so miscellaneous breeding fast, inhibit Luping. In response to this situation, we adopt a “close, close support, hard-working” approach, effectively inhibiting the miscellaneous Ping harm. The specific approach is: First, Ping Ping Ping Ma more Ping rake first, and then disinfected (lime or spray two hundred twenty-three, six six six, etc.) fertilization (per acre phosphate fertilizer about 15 pounds). Second, the use of green Pingxi characteristics of herdsman, focus on the release of Pingzhuo or loose Pingzhong Shoulong, covering the surface without overlapping, so that Green Ping
九月上旬到十一月下旬为红萍秋季繁殖阶段,又是搞好红萍越冬的准备阶段。只有在秋繁阶段,繁殖一定面积的萍种,并把萍体育壮、育厚,增 From early September to late Novemb
今年的高考作文题,是在对历年高考作文题作科学反思与前赡后成熟的选择,是一次成功的尝试。 首先命题具有开创性。今年采用三材两题的形式,而不像以往那样,仅提供一则材料要
西欧铁路联盟研究试验室关于合成闸瓦的试验通报如下。 一、合成闸瓦金属杂质的形成 运用和试验台上的试验表明,一些合成闸瓦出现铁杂质,这些合成闸瓦在制动时严 Western E
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近年来,一种澳大利亚产的大型淡水螯虾,引起了不少国家的注意。这种虾的英文名字叫 marron,在英文和法文里这个字都是“栗子”的意思。据说这种虾也确实有点栗子的味道,所以