
来源 :歌迷大世界(江南音乐) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:MUcrystal
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近几年来,我作为江苏省音乐家协会业余音乐考级委员会的小提琴高级评委之一,对小提琴考级中不能正确地遵循科学的音乐训练规律等诸多现象,一直在进行关注和思考。比如,学生家长过分强调考级进度,望子成才心切,为“考级而考级”;片面地追求级数,盯着考级的几首曲子练,考级完全变为音乐“应试教育”;范围之外的东西接触太少,其他作品和练习曲几乎顾及不到,即使高级别考级证书拿到手了,学生还是没有获得相应的技艺等等。我曾经听过有的孩子考完级别很高的九级,换一首差不多的曲子,竟然拉不下来,音准、节奏一片混乱。这样的结果,即便考出再高的级别也不具有任何实际意义。我认为首先我们的音乐教师应该树立起对考级的正确的认识,以正规的音乐教育指导业余考级学生;其次,学生与家长也应该正确地面对考级,不要盲目地攀比,要让学生们花费的时间和精力与知识上的收获成正比。 In recent years, as one of the senior violin judges of the Amateur Music Examination Committee of the Jiangsu Musicians Association, I have been paying attention to and thinking about many phenomena such as the law of musical training that can not be correctly followed in the violin test. For example, the parents of students overemphasize the progress of the test, look for talents, for the “test grade and test grade”; one-sided pursuit of progression, staring at the test a few songs, test grade completely into music “exam-oriented education”; outside the scope of things Too little contact with other works and Etude almost ignored, even if the high level test certificate got the hand, the students still did not get the appropriate skills and so on. I have heard some children finished a very high level nine, for a similar song, even pull down, pitch, rhythm chaos. This result, even if the examination of the higher level does not have any practical significance. I think first of all, our music teachers should establish a correct understanding of the test grade, with a formal music education guide amateur test students; Second, students and parents should also face the test grading correctly, do not blindly compare, let students spend The time and effort are proportional to the gains in knowledge.
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