大庆油田投入开发已达25年之久。由于采用高压注水驱油,近年来地层孔隙压力普遍高于原始孔隙压力0.5~1.0MP.,从而导致断层复活,直接影响了油田的高产稳产。为寻找高压注水与断层复活的关系,大庆油田与国家地震局地球物理研究所合作进行了注水诱发微破裂的观察。 1984年7月对位于大庆油田萨尔图一号断层区的10口注水井提高注水压力,加大注水量,并在约一公里远处用井下地震仪作微破裂观察。结果发现,注水量的增加与微破裂的发生有着极好的对应关系。从而进一步证实了高压注水是断层复活的直接原因。对于诱发与控制地震而言,这是一次十分重要的现场实验。
Daqing Oilfield has been put into development for 25 years. Due to the high-pressure water flooding, the pore pressure in formation is generally higher than the original pore pressure of 0.5-1.0 MPa in recent years, which leads to the resurgence of faults and directly affects the high and stable yield of the oilfield. In order to find out the relationship between high pressure water injection and fault resurrection, Daqing Oilfield cooperated with the Institute of Geophysics of the State Seismological Bureau to investigate the water injection induced micro-fracture. In July 1984, 10 water injection wells located in the fault zone of Sa’ertu 1, Daqing Oilfield, were used to increase the water injection pressure, increase the water injection volume, and use a downhole seismometer for micro-rupture observation at a distance of about one kilometer. The results showed that the increase of water injection and micro-rupture has an excellent correspondence. This further confirms the high pressure water injection is the direct cause of fault resurrection. This is a very important field experiment for the induction and control of earthquakes.