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1993年3月,佳木斯市松江乡松江村连续发生了原因不明的村民死亡事件。该村自1993年3月11日发生首发病例,至3月25日止共发病16例,死亡7例,主要临床表现均为呕吐、头晕、头痛、呼吸困难、视力障碍、失明(发生3例),昏迷死亡。本病不发烧,死亡者发病急且重,发病12~26h内即死亡。患者均为27~53岁男性,既往无相同疾病史,无共餐史,但均有饮用散装白酒史。白酒均来源于同一生产厂家。调查期间又出现的新发病例,病前也均有饮用该厂的散装白酒史。经实验室检验,3例死者病前饮剩白酒甲醇含量分 In March 1993, Songjiang Village, Songjiang Township, Jiamusi City, consecutive unexplained villagers died. The village since March 11, 1993 occurred in the first case, to March 25 only a total of 16 cases of disease and death in 7 cases, the main clinical manifestations were vomiting, dizziness, headache, dyspnea, visual impairment, blindness (occurred in 3 cases ), Coma died. The disease is not fever, the incidence of acute and severe death, the incidence of death within 12 ~ 26h. Patients were 27 to 53-year-old male, no previous history of the same disease, no history of eating, but all have a history of drinking bulk liquor. Liquor are derived from the same manufacturer. Emerging during the investigation of new cases, before the illness also have to drink the factory bulk liquor history. After laboratory tests, 3 cases of the deceased were left drinking white wine alcohol content points
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  The studies on the non-destructive testing methods of the composite materials are very important for improving their reliability and safety.AE(Acoustic Emis
家父一生,可谓遭逢辛苦,但70余年的岁月,并没给他的身心造成什么真正的损害。他绝少生病,从未住过医院,一向精神爽朗,体魄健壮,额头发亮,双目有神。曾有一首骑自行车诗自勉:  萧萧双鬓雪千条,  旧梦迷茫不可招。  行遍天涯人未老,  犹堪铁马越长桥。  曾有人问他:“吴老,您身体如此之好,是否有什么高明的养生之道?”  家父答曰:“惟一的养生之道,乃是不锻炼。”  此话不假,家父一生不烟不酒不锻炼
  Adopting carbon aerogel and phenolic resin to fabricate polymer composite is the aim of this study.Carbon aerogel, a spongy porosity carbon material, gather
拐弯、上坡……离开兰州市区,越野车没多久便钻进了连绵起伏的兴隆山。1个多小时后,车戛然而止,车窗外,一栋外表破旧的二层小楼映入眼帘,小楼后的山坡上,一根根粗细不等的天线杆在绿色波浪中迎风矗立。  这里,就是兰州军区某部通信站的发信台了。几声狗叫,四级士官毛礼文走了出来,后面跟的,还有他的妻子——龙梅,一个非常秀气文弱的江南女子。  2001年7月13日,北京申奥成功的时候,毛礼文刚刚从原张家口通信
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  The microwave protection and absorbing of paint materials are important research topics in the aviation industry.Presently the main material is the nano fer