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目前,我国机械工业既存在一般机械产品市场有效需求不足,又存在着技术含量高的重大技术成套设备有效供给不足的问题。随着“入世”日益临近,中国机械行业将面临巨大的竞争压力。 与此同时,“入世”也为机械行业带来了进口关键零部件、引进国外先进技术、获取国外最新信息,把握世界尖端技术的最新动态等便利条件。另外,前些年盲目的重复建设造成机械工业生产能力严重过剩,而在国内市场保护和地方政府的保护下,加大机械工业结构调整面临许多阻力。“入世”则为机械工业实现产业升级提供了良好的契机。随着市场逐步开放,竞争日益激烈,缺乏竞争力的企业和产品终将被淘汰并退出市场,只有那些有实力的企业和产品才具有生存权和发展权。面对复杂的国际国内形势,机械工业企业应从以下几方面及时调整管理思想和经营战略,迎接“入世”的挑战。 At present, China’s machinery industry is not only inadequate in terms of effective market demand for general machinery products, but also has the problem of insufficient effective supply of major technology equipment with high technological content. With the advent of China’s accession to the WTO, China’s machinery industry will face enormous competitive pressure. At the same time, China’s accession to the WTO has brought convenience to the machinery industry, including the import of key spare parts, the introduction of foreign advanced technology, access to the latest information from abroad, and the latest developments in the world’s cutting-edge technologies. In addition, the blind and repeated construction in previous years caused a serious surplus in the production capacity of the machinery industry. Under the protection of the domestic market and the protection of local governments, there are many obstacles to structural adjustment of the machinery industry. “WTO entry” provides a good opportunity for the machinery industry to achieve industrial upgrading. With the gradual opening of the market and increasingly fierce competition, companies and products that lack competitiveness will eventually be phased out and withdrawn from the market. Only those companies and products with strong capabilities will have the right to survive and develop. In the face of complex international and domestic situations, the machinery industry enterprises should adjust the management thinking and business strategy in the following aspects in a timely manner to meet the challenge of “joining the WTO”.
一  他躺在床上,盖一床旧的棉布花被,花被上盛开着大红的牡丹。年代久了,牡丹的大红色,已显黯淡。这让我有些恻然,他是那么一个讲究格调的人,盖这样的被子,怕是有违他的意愿。再一想,他亦是个旧式的人,遵守着旧式礼法,有谦谦君子之风。那些消失掉的古朴寻常,也许正是他所坚守的。遂稍稍心安。  房间向阳。天气晴暖,都听得见春天在窗外走动的声音了。我在来时的路上,看到一两枝小黄花,挣脱人家的铁栅栏,探出半张脸
也许今春最先感受到北国春来早的是京城的广大癌症患者及其家人。 当第一丝柳芽怯生生地站上枝头的时候,京城癌症患者开始奔走相告:世博·东方灵宝将“21世纪亿元产品大奉送
妙蓉车事口口志舟汁民ffl一扭阵伞OOOO决{乒卜…沙.OOO l、JOOOO洲仁OOO }沙C:OOO洲勺J、」OO {私OOO汗钧习如J JOO 卜..口 }勺J、J 】OOO、,口卜公JO JOO和.. l协J灿J 1OOO
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