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在执纪实践中,纪检监察机关有时会遇到对《中国共产党纪律处分条例(试行)》(以下简称《处分条例》)没有作出明文规定的错误如何适用条规的问题。对此,是否适用比照的规定进行处理,应具体情况具体分析。最近,中央纪委对于杜某两次享受房改优惠政策购买住房的违纪问题,在《处分条例》缺乏相应处理条款的情况下,直接适用国家有关房改政策方面的规定和国务院有关部门的相关规定进行了处理。现将该案刊登如下,供学习参考。———编者 In the practice of discipline practice, the discipline inspection and supervision organs sometimes encounter the problem of how to apply the rules on the mistakes made by the “Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Disciplinary Sanctions (Trial)” (hereinafter referred to as “the Disciplinary Regulations”). In this regard, whether the application of the provisions of the cf treatment, should be specific analysis of specific circumstances. Recently, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection had twice as many disciplinary problems with the purchase of housing as preferential policies for housing reform. In the absence of any corresponding treatment provisions in the “Regulations for Disposal”, the provisions of the State concerning housing reform policies and the relevant provisions of the relevant departments under the State Council were directly applied deal with. The case is now published as follows for reference. ---editor
目的:观察鼻咽癌(NPC)骨转移的特点;与CT对比,分析颅底骨转移病灶检测的敏感性。方法:151例 NPC SPECT~(99m)Tc-MDP全身骨显像,其中 66例作头颅正侧位骨显像及CT 扫描。结果:
摘取糖尿病史额骨标本16例27耳(男11例,女5例,年龄42~80岁,平均63.2岁),无糖尿病史颞骨标本16例23耳(男13例,女3例,年龄41~86岁,平均60.1岁)。标本行10%福尔马林液固定,5%三氯乙酸或EPTA脱钙、脱水,然后包埋、切片,分 Sixteen patien
《中德临床肿瘤学杂志》(英文)是中国与德国施普林格出版社合作出版的国际性学术刊物。为了实现国际化,方便全球作者投稿及加快稿件处理速度 Sino-German Journal of Clinic
进度太慢是语文教学一个要解决的问题.语文教学要有计划地将知识整理归类,训练时突出典型文章,减少重复劳动和盲目性,要把重点放在培养 Too slow progress is a problem to
人类甲杓肌随年龄变化而再生 [英 ]/Malmgren L T…∥ Arch Otolaryngol HeadNeck Surg.-2 0 0 0 ,1 2 6( 7) .-851~ 856肌纤维的再生是维持正常纤维数量的基础 ,这样才能使得