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以情写神先贤画家曾以“以形写神”作为人物画本体正宗画法,千百年来为从艺者所操守。人们理念中的惟一到了另一个时代人们的眼中,就有另外一种视角。无论架上绘画、案上绘画都应有更广阔的理念空间。多年的笔墨耕耘,对中国水墨画的工具材料的性能把握及使用,到了驾轻就熟的程度。然而这种轻车熟路的驾驶很畅神、很惬意,但很难达到理想的理念境界。中国画是一种程式在前的艺术,以程式为依据自外向内引发观念情感,而西方绘画则是以观念情感为依据自内向外操运的程式。因此对于程式有着较多的批判态度和修正 In order to express the feelings of God, avant-garde painter once “to describe God” as the portraiture of the body painting method, for thousands of years to rule by the artists. The only thing in people’s minds comes to the eyes of people in another age, there is another kind of perspective. No matter painting on the shelf, the painting on the case should have a broader space of ideas. Years of hard work, the Chinese ink painting tools to grasp the performance and use of materials, to a level familiar. However, this kind of driving skill is very smooth, very comfortable, but it is difficult to achieve the ideal state of mind. Chinese painting is a kind of pre-program art, which induces the concept and emotion from the outside to the inside on the basis of the program, while the Western painting is the program that runs from the inside out based on the emotion of the concept. Therefore, the program has more critical attitude and amendment
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摘要:素质教育对课堂教学提出了更高的要求,即在有限的时间内既要让学生学会,学好,又要让学生会学,达到知识的内化和能力的提高。因此,作为教师,如何让45分钟的课堂达到高效至关重要。  中关键词:数学教学;优质高效课堂;教学模式  课堂教学作为师生活动的中心环节和基本的组织形式,是学生获取知识、锻炼能力和提高各种技能的主要途径。如何构建优质高效课堂是每位数学教师理应思考、探索的主要课题。在数学教学中,
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