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对9块钢板-混凝土组合板试件进行了单点和两点对称集中加载静力试验研究,分析了组合板中栓钉间距、钢板厚度、混凝土板厚度和组合板几何尺寸等因素对组合板受弯承载性能的影响。对组合板试件的破坏形态、钢板与混凝土应变发展情况、裂缝发展情况及组合板承载能力进行了研究。试验结果表明:钢板-混凝土组合板的破坏形式主要有钢板剥离破坏、混合破坏、剪切破坏;在加载过程中,截面纵向应变沿组合板高度基本符合平截面假定;栓钉间距、混凝土板厚对组合承载力影响较大,两者变化时对应的承载力最大增幅分别为45%和42%,而钢板厚度影响次之,承载力增幅最大为20%,组合板几何尺寸影响最小。推导了考虑交界面滑移效应的组合板受弯承载力的计算式,计算结果与试验结果吻合良好。 Nine steel-concrete composite specimens were subjected to one-point and two-point symmetric concentrated static loading tests. The factors such as the spacing of pegs, the thickness of steel plate, the thickness of concrete slab and the geometric dimensions of the composite plate were analyzed. Bending load carrying capacity. The failure mode of the composite plate specimen, the strain and strain of the steel plate and concrete, the development of the cracks and the carrying capacity of the composite plate were studied. The results show that the main failure modes of the steel plate-concrete composite plate are the peel failure, mixing failure and shear failure. During the loading process, the longitudinal strain along the composite plate basically conforms to the plane cross-section assumption; the spacing between the pegs, the concrete plate thickness Which has a great influence on the combined bearing capacity. The maximum increase of the corresponding bearing capacity is 45% and 42% respectively, while the influence of the thickness of the steel plate is the second, the maximum increase of the bearing capacity is 20% and the geometrical size of the composite plate is the least. The formulas for calculating the flexural bearing capacity of composite plate considering the interface slip effect are derived. The calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental results.
近日,有媒体爆出吉利董事长李书福亲自上阵挖人,而被挖对象正是现任东风本田发动机工厂执行副总经理李春荣。  董事长亲自上阵挖人?高管跳槽竞争企业?此事一经爆出就引发了各界关注。目前吉利回应称,目前宝腾汽车业务负责人职位仍为空,一切以正式公告为准。  虽则这起挖人事件还未明朗,但历史上因为企业挖人带来的种种后续事件不胜枚举,有的企业自此走上发展路途的分水岭,有的“冲冠一怒为红颜”官司纠缠,还有由此掀起
婴幼儿丘疹型皮肤念珠菌病55例 ,年龄14天~3岁 ,病程2天~4个月。随机分成2组 :(1)采乐组30例 ,每天用采乐洗剂外洗1次每次根据皮损面积大小决定用药剂量 ,先用清水冲洗全身 ,取采乐洗剂涂在皮
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This paper focuses on a state sharing method for an artificial neural network (ANN) and hidden Markov model (HMM) hybrid on line handwriting recognition system
古代生物死亡后,遗骸堆积在陆地上或海底,经过长时间的高温、高压作用,转化为黑色粘稠的石油。由于它的价格高,所以被称为“黑色的金子”。石油由多种沸点不同的化合物组成,开采后需要经过一个叫分馏的程序,把它先后加热及冷却,才能把里面的化合物一一分离,作进一步的应用。  柴油和汽油均来自石油,前者供公交车、货车等大型车辆使用,后者是小汽车、摩托车等小型车辆的动力来源。  石油的提取物能制成塑料袋。中国在全