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为调动学生学习和了解国内外重大时事问题的积极性和自觉性,激发学生的兴趣,在学生中定期(每月或每年)开展十大新闻的评选活动,是一种十分有效的加强时政教育的好方法。 开展十大新闻的评选可根据具体情况采用以下方法:①全班集体讨论评选。先由学生在平时收集时事资料的基础上,开展讨论。让学生在了解每个国内外重大事件过程之后,运用自己所学的知识结合国内外的情况阐述自己的见解,说明某个事件有什么重大的影响,同其它事件比较如何,推荐为当月或当年的十大新闻的理由。在学生讨论时教师可适当给予点拨指导,以强化时政教育效果。②把学生先分成若干个时事小组,由每个小组充分讨论,推荐出自己组的当月或半年、全年的国内外十大新闻,然后每组选派1—3名表达能力较强,长于演说和辩论的代表出来阐明理由,各组之间可展开辩论,教师充当指导,最后采取投票等办法评定出十大新闻。③采用记名投票的方法,由全班每个同学投票选出自己认为影响较大的当年或当月的十大国内外新闻,然后集中讨论决定,教师对准确性和命中率较高同学可给予物质和精神奖励,以激发学生的兴趣。 In order to motivate students to learn and understand the enthusiasm and self-consciousness of major current issues at home and abroad and inspire students’ interest, it is a very effective way to strengthen the education of the time, in order to carry out periodical (monthly or yearly) elections among the students. good idea. The following methods can be used to carry out the selection of the top ten news items according to specific conditions: 1 The whole class will discuss the selection collectively. First, the students will discuss on the basis of the usual collection of current affairs materials. Allow students to use knowledge they have learned in the process of understanding major events at home and abroad, combine their domestic and international circumstances to present their opinions, and explain what is the major impact of an event. How does it compare with other events? It is recommended for the current month or the current year. The top ten news reasons. When the students discuss, teachers can give appropriate instructions to strengthen the effect of political education. 2 The students are first divided into several current affairs groups, each group fully discusses and recommend the top ten or six months of its own group, the top ten domestic and foreign news for the whole year, and then each group choose to send 1-3 strong expression ability, longer than the speech Representatives of debates and debates came up to clarify reasons, debates could be held among groups, teachers acted as guides, and ten major news items were voted on. (3) By using the method of registered balloting, each classmate of the class votes for the top ten domestic and foreign news of the year or month that he considers to be of greater impact, and then concentrates on discussion and decision. Teachers can give substance to students with higher accuracy and hit rate. And spiritual rewards to stimulate student interest.
一、教读课文的教学要点 《荔枝蜜》这篇课文的教学要点是记叙的线索和词语的搭配。怎样在教学中把握这个要点呢? 第一、引导学生阅读附录《记叙文的阅读》中有关介绍线索的
②“什么是语文教学的规律?”语文教学的规律究竟是什么,谁也说不清。希望通过讨论,达成共识,促进语文教学的发展。 ③“如何深化语文教学改革?”语文教改怎么深化,从哪些地
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第二次世界大战刚结束的某一天晚上,我在伦敦得到 一个极有价值的教训。当时我是罗斯·史密斯爵士的私人 经纪。大战期间,史密斯爵士曾任澳洲空军战斗飞行员,派 在巴勒斯坦工