卖场一线业务操作手册 如何应对卖场的前台后台考核

来源 :销售与市场(商学院) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunlongjun
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从卖场内部和企业方两个角度来剖析前台、后台的有关细节,将有助于我们的业务人员更好地了解卖场的行为,从而检核自身,做更好地应对。前台、后台的说法始见于国际卖场,特别是沃尔玛的传播,使得这个概念深入人心。从实际情况来看,企业和卖场对此的理解和定义是有差异的,这会影响到用这个定义去做绩效评估。为了导正理解的源头,我们从卖场内部和企业方两个角度来剖析前台、后台的有关细节,以助于我们的业务人员更好地了解卖场的行为,从而检核自身,做更好地应对 Analyzing the front desk and back office from the perspective of both the store interior and the enterprise side will help our business staff to better understand the behavior of the store, so as to check and better respond. The concept of front desk and backstage was first seen in international stores, especially the spread of Wal-Mart, which made this concept deeply rooted. From the actual situation, there are differences in the understanding and definition of the enterprise and the store, which will affect the use of this definition to do performance evaluation. In order to guide the source of understanding, we analyze the relevant details of the front desk and the back office from the perspective of the inside of the store and the business side to help our business staff to better understand the behavior of the store, so as to check itself and do better response
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今天的企业越来越关注如何保护他们的数据。丧失关键的业务信息会妨碍生产力的提高;造成应用程序运行中断、项目延误、资源挪用和帮助台呼叫的增多,并会危害企业。IBM 研究表
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