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为鼓励科技人员技术创新,促进科技成果向现实生产力转化,浙江省宁波市政府前不久出台了《宁波市鼓励技术要素参与分配,促进科技成果转化的实施办法》。该实施办法对科技人员兼职或离岗从事技术创新、科技成果作价入股、技术要素参与收益分配等方面的权利、义务作了明确规定。《实施办法》规定,对兼职或离职从事技术创新活动的科技人员,在完成本职工作的前提下,经与关系所在单位签订协议,可以到其他单位兼职从事技术开发和成果转化活动。在科技成果作价入股方面的规定有:企业、高等学校、科研机构及其科技人员可将拥有的专利权和许可实施权、计算机软件著作权、非专利技术成果的使用权、植物新品种和其他生物 In order to encourage technological innovation of science and technology personnel and promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into practical productive forces, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province recently promulgated the Measures for Encouraging the Participation and Distribution of Technological Factors and Promoting the Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements. The implementation measures clearly stipulate the rights and obligations of scientific and technical personnel who work part-time or leave their posts to engage in technological innovation, make scientific and technological achievements into shares, and participate in the distribution of technical elements in income distribution. The Implementation Measures stipulate that scientific and technical personnel engaged in technological innovation activities that are part-time or separated may, under the premise of completing their own work, conclude an agreement with the unit where the relationship is located and may engage in part-time technical development and conversion of achievements in other units. The provisions of the scientific and technological achievements in the price of shares are: enterprises, colleges and universities, research institutions and their scientific and technological personnel may have the right to patent and license, computer software copyright, the right to non-patent technological achievements, new plant varieties and other organisms
It is September twenty-first. I'm eleven years old today. I have a birthday party at home. I wear a pretty new dress. It is red and yellow. I like it very much.
It's spring. Some animals curl* their hair. Little hedgehog* asks Red Fox* to curl his hair , too. Soon, little hedgehog has red curls and looks cool. It's spr
根据所给的四个提示,用你丰富的联想猜出它的名称(字数已定,答案均在江苏教育出版社语文六年级教材内) According to the four tips given, use your rich association to
我和爸爸妈妈一起去桂林游玩。  爸爸把我拉到一个大水车旁,指着水车说:“你观察一下,看看水车是怎么动起来的。”  我仔细一看,这个水车像一个摩天轮,建在水流湍急的地方。轮子的周围绑着很多竹筒。当竹筒随着轮子转到水里时,竹筒就灌满了水。流下来的水推动轮子转动,竹筒就被提升起来。当灌满水的竹筒转过轮子顶部,竹筒里的水就会流进水车旁一个木制的水槽里,再流向远处。“哇,太有趣了,这样的运水方式真是又环保又