,Histone deacetylase inhibitors for treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma

来源 :Acta Pharmacologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangliyong6666
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Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)is one of the most common cancers in the world.Surgical resection has been considered the optimal treatment approach,but onlya small proportion of patients are suitable candidates for surgery,and the relapserate is high.Approaches to prevent recurrence,including chemoemboliza-tionbefore and adjuvant therapy after surgery,have proven to have a limited benefit;liver transplantation is successful in treating limited-stage HCC because only aminority of patients qualify for transplantation.Therefore,new therapeutic strat-egies are urgently needed.Because in addition to the classical genetic mecha-nisms of deletion or inactivating point mutations,epigenetic alterations,such ashyperacetylation of the chromatin-associated histones(responsible for genesilencing),are believed to be involved in the development and progression ofHCC,novel compounds endowed with a histone deacetylase(HDAC)inhibitoryactivity are an attractive therapeutic approach.In particular,pre-clinical resultsobtained using HA-But,an HDAC inhibitor in which butyric acid residues areesterified to a hyaluronic acid backbone and characterized by a high affinity forthe membrane receptor CD44,indicated that this class of compounds may repre-sent a promising approach for hepatocellular carcinoma treatment. One of the most common cancers in the world. Surgical resection has been considered the optimal treatment approach, but only small proportions of patients are suitable candidates for surgery, and the relapserate is high. Approaches to prevent recurrence, including chemoemboliza-tionbefore and adjuvant therapy after surgery, have proven to have a limited benefit; liver transplantation is successful in treating limited-stage HCC because only aminority of patients qualify for transplantation.Therefore, new therapeutic strat-egies are urgently needed.Because in addition to the classical genetic mecha-nisms of deletion or inactivating point mutations, epigenetic alterations, such ashyperacetylation of the chromatin-associated histones (responsible for genesilencing), are believed to be involved in the development and progression ofHCC, novel compounds endowed with a histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitoryactivity are an attractive therapeutic approach.In particular, pre-clinic al resultsobtained using HA-But, an HDAC inhibitor in which butyric acid residues are esterified to a hyaluronic acid backbone and characterized by a high affinity forthe membrane receptor CD44, indicates that this class of compounds may repre-sent a promising approach for hepatocellular carcinoma treatment.
由禾本科布氏白粉菌小麦专化型(Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici, Bgt)引起的小麦白粉病是一种严重的叶部病害。培育抗病品种较其它化学和栽培防治是一种最经济、环保而有效的方法。然而,由于小麦白粉菌生理小种多,毒性频率变异快等特点,致使大部分抗病品种在生产上大规模推广3-5年后便失去抗性。因此,发掘和鉴定新的抗白粉病基因在小麦育种道路上是一项坚持不懈的工作。从德国引进
壳低聚糖是小分子量的壳聚糖降解产物,目前在生产和生活中得到广泛应用.本文研究了用亚硝酸降解法制备的壳低聚糖对普通农作物种子生理和生化指标的影响.结果 表明:不同浓度
为了探索小黑麦(×Triticosecale Wittmack)株高形成特点,明确其生理特性,本试验以六个不同株高的六倍体小黑麦基因型为材料,研究了不同株高类型小黑麦基因型的株高生长动态规律、茎组织细胞结构及其叶片中同工酶和内源激素含量在不同时期的变化,并对不同株高类型小黑麦基因型对外源赤霉素的敏感性进行了调查。从而为进一步选育高产优质的小黑麦品种和制定合理的耕作栽培技术提供参考依据和理论基础。主
Abnormal protein expression or activities are associated with many diseases,especial ly cancer.Therefore,down-regulating the proteins involved in cancer cell su