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党的十八大以来,习近平主席站在时代发展和战略全局的高度,统筹国内国际两个大局,统筹安全发展两件大事,鲜明提出总体国家安全观重大战略思想。这一重大战略思想内涵丰富,思想深邃,体系完整,是运用马克思主义世界观方法论认识和分析国家安全形势的智慧结晶,是中国特色国家安全战略的最新理论成果,是指导开展中国国家安全战略实践的强大思想武器,创新发展了党的国家安全指导理论和实践。一、总体国家安全观是维护国家安全的科学指南习主席坚持把国家安全问题放在当今世界 Since the 18th CPC National Congress, President Xi Jinping stood at the height of the overall development of the times and the overall situation of the strategy, took both major tasks at home and abroad into consideration and co-ordinated the two major developments in security and development. He clearly proposed a major strategic thinking on overall national security. This important strategic thinking is rich in connotation, profound in thought and complete in system. It is the crystallization of the wisdom of using the Marxist world outlook methodology to understand and analyze the security situation in the country, is the latest theoretical result of the national security strategy with Chinese characteristics, guides the development of China’s national security strategy A powerful ideological weapon, it has innovated and developed the party’s guiding theory and practice of national security. First, the overall concept of national security is to maintain the scientific guidance of national security President Xi insisted that the national security issues in today’s world
(一) 北京城市总体规划年限为20年(即从1991年到2010年),某些方面还考虑到21世纪中叶的发展需要。 16年后,即2010年,北京的流动人口将从1990年的127万增加到250万,常住人口
1999年lO月19日,王珉副省长来我校视察并为新校选址,2000年3月17日,新校建设工程筹备工作会议召开,拉开了新校区建设的帷幕。  经过层层筛选,三份规划设计方案放到了我的案头:苏州建筑设计研究院呈现的以古典园林风格为主,东南大学建筑设计院的则是古典与现代的融合,而上海同济大学规划建筑设计研究院的是以现代风格为主。专家们从建筑学的角度进行了充分论证,三家的方案难分高下难以取舍。  哪一种方案
现代主义建筑家辛德勒虽在建筑史上没留下响当当的名字,但他留下的几样建筑作品却经典无比。 Although Schindler, the modernist architect, did not leave a loud name in