Investigation on the Morphology of Adsorbed Benzotriazole Film on Copper Surface by Scanning Tunneli

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sck1028
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It is observed by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) that the adsorbed Benzotriazole (BTA) on copper is long in shape and has an irregular rectangle. The growth of BTA on copper is in the form of polymeric chain and mainly in one dimension rather than two dimensions. The copper surface covered by BTA becomes flatter, smoother and the roughness was smaller than that of bare copper, so the corrosion is largely decreased. However, many grooves can be seen between BTA polymeric chains in which corrosion may exist to a degree. It is observed by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) that the adsorbed Benzotriazole (BTA) on copper is long in shape and has an irregular rectangle. The growth of BTA on copper is in the form of polymeric chain and mainly in one dimension rather than two The copper surface covered by BTA becomes flatter, smoother and the roughness was smaller than that of bare copper, so the corrosion is largely decreased. However, many grooves can be seen between BTA polymeric chains in which corrosion may exist to a degree.
ABLET SEMET(阿不来提·塞买提)Lexikalische Untersuchungen zur uigurischen XuanZang-Biographie Wiesbaden,2005.Viii+239 pages.ISBN 3-447-05199-X《Lexikalische Unte
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