,Performance of Temperature-Related Weather Index for Agricultural Insurance of Three Main Crops in

来源 :国际灾害风险科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanghuayejuan
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In this study, two categories of weather index—absolute index and relative index—for chilling injury and heat damage of three main crops in China were assessed to identify insurable counties. First, correlations between selected weather indices and yield losses were examined for each county. If a correlation was significant, the county was categorized as "insurable" for the corresponding hazard or index. Second, the spatial distribution of insur-able counties was characterized and finally, their correla-tion coefficients were analyzed at various spatial scales. The results show that the spatial pattes of insurable areas varied by categories of weather indices, crops, and hazards. Moreover, the weather indices based on relative threshold of temperature were more suitable for chilling injury in most regions, whereas the indices based on absolute threshold were more suitable for heat damage. The findings could help the Chinese govement and insurance compa-nies to design effective insurance products.
报道了硒、硫浓度对大豆植株干物重,硒、硫、氮、磷含量影响的水培试验结果。研究结果表明,当营养中硫的浓度为60mgL~(-1)时,0.025mg SeL~(-1)的加入使大豆植株干物重达到最
为探讨氮钾互作对甘薯养分吸收、利用和产量的影响,本试验选用淀粉型甘薯品种济徐23,采用二因素裂区试验设计,主区设置3个氮肥处理——不施氮、中氮(纯氮9g/m2)和高氮(纯氮18g/m2),副区设置3个钾肥处理——不施钾、中钾(K2O 18g/m2)和高钾(K2O 36g/m2),共计9个氮钾组合处理,于山东农业大学农学实验站进行试验。主要研究结果如下:1.甘薯块根产量及其构成因素施氮会降低单株结薯
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