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温州的民营企业从起初的家庭作坊、修修补补起家,发展成今天具有一定规模、聚集效应明显、地域特征突出的企业,从而支撑起“温州模式”。再好的经济模式,都不可能一劳永逸,它必须随着时代的发展而前行。如果温州的企业不随时代而变革,可能会随着“温州模式”一起老去,对于能够在竞争中取胜的企业而言,它们的成功秘诀是——目光远大,几十年始终坚持核心价值观,全面深入导入CI战略,打造强有力的企业文化,将是“新温州模式”崛起之日。目前的温州民营企业缺乏长远的品牌规划,没有真正的品牌文化建设,多数企业只是初步贯彻实施了CIS战略,漠视消费者的接受度和满意度,这是多数温州民营企业的顽疾。作为中国制鞋业的领军企业,作为中国名牌冲击世界品牌的优选对象,温州康奈集团全面深入地导入CI战略,扬起企业文化的猎猎大旗,取得了巨大成功,本文拟以康奈为个案,全面剖析温州民营企业在CI战略方面面临的困境和应对措施。 The private enterprises in Wenzhou have developed from the original family workshops and repaired and tinkered with their families, and they have developed into enterprises with a certain scale, obvious agglomeration effect, and prominent regional characteristics, thus supporting the “Wenzhou model”. No matter how good the economic model is, it cannot be done once and for all. It must move forward with the development of the times. If Wenzhou enterprises do not change at any time, they may grow old along with the “Wenzhou model.” For companies that can win in the competition, their secret to success is that they have a long-term vision and persist for decades. Values, comprehensive and in-depth introduction of CI strategy, creating a strong corporate culture, will be the “new Wenzhou model” rise day. The current private enterprises in Wenzhou lack long-term brand planning and there is no real brand culture. Most companies only initially implement the CIS strategy and ignore consumer acceptance and satisfaction. This is the chronic illness of most private enterprises in Wenzhou. As a leading company in China’s footwear industry, Wenzhou Kangnai Group, as a preferred target for the impact of the world’s brand names on the world’s brands, has introduced the CI strategy in a comprehensive and in-depth manner, raised the flag of corporate culture and achieved great success. This article intends to use Kangnai as a model. Cases, comprehensive analysis of the difficulties and countermeasures of private enterprises in Wenzhou in the CI strategy.
2089年的一天,我悄悄地准备了各种旅游用品,来到时光隧道的门口。大门自动打开了,我钻了进去。那是一条五彩的隧道。大脑一阵眩晕后,我来到一个荒岛,一头栽倒在沙滩上。 One