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  China’s biggest ever blockbuster was released in December, starring Matt Damon and a whole lot of CGI monsters. The Great Wall by and large met with a resounding “eh, it’s okay I guess” from audiences and critics in China, earning a rating of 5.4 out of 10 rating on review aggregator Douban. There were, of course, critics who had stronger views. One reviewer even said director Zhang Yimou was dead (i.e. artistically), which prompted a furious response from the studio. Casting a white guy to be the frontman of a film about ancient China was always a risky gambit, and it’s not certain whether it is paying off, with plenty of claims of Hollywood whitewashing and Matt Damon saying in an interview that these criticisms were “a bummer.” The film is doing reasonably well in China, though the real test will come once profits from its US release are tallied.
BY HATTY LIU  Telecom operator Seatel discusses the challenges and strategies facing Chinese companies abroad  將4G网络铺去东南亚  W  hen Thailand’s government backed out of an agreement to lay 870 kilometers
On the first anniversary of Shanghai’s Disney resort, TWOC takes a stroll through Main Street, China  上海迪士尼樂园号称  “原汁原味迪士尼,  别具一格中国风”。  开园一周年之际,  带你去米老鼠的上海新家做客!  0  pened to the public in June 2016, Sh
Indonesian media were recently up in arms claiming that diaspora Chinese were involved in a dastardly plot to introduce tainted chili crops to Indonesian land. A crop of chili infected with bacteria t
BY JEREMIAH JENNE  With US-China relations facing fresh challenges, a new book ponders if history offers clues to its future  中美愛恨纠葛两百年:  读潘文新书  《美丽国度与中央王国》  O  n February 22, 1784, the merchant ship
BY DAVID DAWSON  A filmmaker’s deep dive into the “rent-a-foreigner” industry reveals a murky business  對话《梦想帝国》导演大卫·博伦斯坦:  在“外国人租赁行业”里,靠脸就够了  David Borenstein is the director of Dream Empire, a recen
Dog-tired, worn out, beat, bushed, and knackered—we all get tired. In Chinese, the word for tired or exhausted is 累, and you can expand that into 累死了 (l-i s@ le, tired to death), 累垮了(l-i ku2 le, tired
It was the most priceless artifact in ancient China—then it disappeared  传国玉玺是帝王的信物、皇权的象征。  它流传千年,几经辗转,  引得无数英雄竞相追逐,  如今却遗失在历史的尘埃中。  它真的存在过吗?  I  f the Mandate of Heaven had a physical form, it would
TEXT AND PHOTOGRAPHY BY HATTY LIU  Genealogy tourism grows as overseas Chinese seek clues to their identity  海外華人的岭南寻根之旅  B  efore the Chan family left, they locked up their home and handed the keys t
A nostalgic look at 90s childhood that struggles to surpass its sentimentality  那個无忧无虑的夏天,  那个一去不复返的  纯真年代  S  et in the backdrop of the 1990s market reform in Inner Mongolia’s capital Hohhot, directo
A flakey dessert with a romantic past  廣式甜点老婆饼和“老婆”到底有什么关系?  Before you ask, no, it doesn’t have wife in it. The wife pie (老婆饼) is a traditional Cantonese pastry with a thin, flakey crust and a sweet