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县级电大是本县培养高、中层次专门人才的重要基地,是电大伸向农村的桥头堡。它上联中央、省、市电大,下联基层教学班和电大学员,既是管理系统的终端,又是信息反馈的起点,在整个电大系统中起着桥梁和纽带作用。办好县级电大,是巩固和发展电大教育事业的基础。在广播电视大学进入第二个十年之时,抓好县级电大建设尤为重要。本刊将从这一期起连载马良生同志“关于县级电大建设”一文,该文从县级电大的地位和作用、办学方向、办学规模,办学模式、机构设置、办学条件,发展趋势等方面进行了较为深刻的论述,有一定的新意,可供各地办学中参考。 County-level TVU is an important base for cultivating high and middle-level specialized personnel in this county, and is a bridgehead for TVU to reach rural areas. It is linked to the central, provincial and municipal TV, the base of the lower level teaching classes and TVU students, both the management system of the terminal, but also the starting point for feedback, the entire TV system plays a bridge and a link. Running a good county-level TVU is the basis for consolidating and developing the TVET education. At the time when the Radio and Television University enters the second decade, it is especially important to do a good job in the construction of county-level TV universities. This issue will be serialized from this issue Comrade Ma Liangsheng “on the construction of county TV universities,” a text, from the county TVU’s status and role, school direction, school size, school mode, institutional settings, school conditions, development trends The aspects of a more profound exposition, there are some new ideas for reference throughout the school.
附录五 毕业生槽况调责表 一、善本情况③ .42 k二、。。。。。。。。,。。。。。。- h 回 肌赃 丘 肌 。TI.l 阶 回 一~一“—“l-- .4J兰、学习后的收获和握寓I(27)本人上电
强调从体系和本质上学习运用马克思主义理论,是邓小平同志的一贯思想.也是他理论观的核心。 在本世纪七十年代漫长复杂的斗争中,邓小平同志不仅是政治战线的一面旗帜,而且是
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In this paper, we investigate the Raman and photoluminescence spectra of Y_2O_3/Eu~(3+) and Y_2O_3/Eu~(3+)/Mg~(2+) nanorods under high pressures using 514-nm an
本文对450例慢性胃炎 (纤维胃镜检查并经活检证实) 作了初步的分析,并对该病的分类、发病率、病因、诊断及其与胃溃疡、胃癌的关系作了初步的探讨。认为慢性胃炎的发病率随年