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第一章 总则 第一条 为了加强黄浦江大桥(以下简称大桥)的管理,保护大桥设施,保障大桥交通畅通,根据国家有关法律、法规的规定,结合本市实际情况,制定本办法。 第二条 本办法适用于本市市区范围内跨越黄浦江的桥梁及其附属设施和安全保护区域。 第三条 市市政工程管理局负责大桥的设施管理和养护维修,具体工作由其设置的路政管理机构(以下称大桥管理部门)负责。 公安、海监部门应当按照各自的职责进行管理,并配合大桥管理部门实施本办法。 第四条 大桥管理人员必须秉公执法、忠于职守、文明服务。 Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 In order to strengthen the management of the Huangpu River Bridge (hereinafter referred to as the Bridge), protect the facilities of the bridge and ensure the traffic flow of the bridge, the Measures are formulated in accordance with the provisions of relevant state laws and regulations and in the light of the actual conditions of the Municipality. Article 2 This set of measures shall apply to the bridges across the Huangpu River and their ancillary facilities and safety protection areas within the urban area of ​​this Municipality. Article 3 The Municipal Municipal Engineering Administration Bureau shall be responsible for the facility management and maintenance and repair of the Bridge. The specific work shall be the responsibility of the road administration agency (hereinafter referred to as the bridge management department) set up by the Municipal Municipal Engineering Administration Bureau. Public security and marine supervision departments shall manage according to their respective responsibilities and cooperate with the bridge management department to implement these measures. Article bridge management personnel must enforce the law impartially, faithful to their duties, civilized service.
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