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最近,中共中央,国务院发出了关于建立业余教育委员会的通知,号召在全国开展一个规模巨大的业余教育运动,这是一桩振奋人心的大事。解放以来,公路交通系统的职工业余教育工作获得了很大成绩。特别是近两年来,在党的“教育为无产阶级的政治服务,教育与生产劳动相结合”的教育方针指导下,在大跃进形势的鼓舞下,得到了更大的发展。公路交通系统,各企业普遍开办了各种业余小学、中学或大学,既是生产单位,又是学校,不但促进了生产大跃进,同时又提高了职工的政治、文化和技术水平。先进的单位,在扫除文盲的基础上已普及了高小教育。有不少人,如赣南汽车运输公司汽车修配厂车工陈发祥同志一样,解放时不过小学程度,现在已经上了业余大学;也 Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued a circular on the establishment of an amateur education committee calling for a massive amateur education campaign across the country. This is an exciting event. Since liberation, the staff of the highway transportation system has obtained great achievements in the work of amateur education. Especially in the past two years, under the guidance of the education policy of “education for the proletarian politics, integration of education and productive labor”, the party has been greatly encouraged by the situation of the Great Leap Forward. In the road traffic system, all kinds of amateur primary schools, secondary schools and universities are generally run by enterprises. They are both production units and schools. They not only promote the great leap forward in production, but also raise the political, cultural and technological levels of workers. Advanced units have popularized higher education on the basis of eliminating illiteracy. There are quite a few people who, like Comrade Chen Fa-xiang, a mechanic in the auto repair shop of Gannan Automobile Transport Company, did not reach the level of elementary education when they were liberated and have now gone on to amateur universities.
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Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.——Mark Twain噢,天哪!我只剩下五分钟来写这篇文章了!怎么可能准时完成呢?老板会生气的!我本可以