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一、关于当前经济形势1、国民经济呈现“高增长、低通胀”的良好局面,开始进入适度快速和相对平稳发展的良性循环。整个国民经济保持了平稳快速发展的良好势头,物价上涨幅度逐年回落到历史最低水平。1994年-1997年全国GDP增幅稳定在9%-12.6%之间,物价涨幅从1994年的21.7%逐年回落到1997年的2%。我市GDP增幅前几年一直稳定在20%左右,去年在各方面困难比较多特别是受到百年一遇自然灾害影响的情况下,仍达到15%,物价涨幅从1993年的22.8%逐年回落到去年的1%。2、市场供求关系发生了根本性转变,长期存在的短缺经济局面基本摆脱。我们认为,告别短缺经济时代,是我国经济发展、生产力水平提高的一个根本标志,是改革开放和经济建设所取得的一个巨大成就。在新的市场环境下,各级政府和企业都要牢固确立市场意识,把市场作为一切经济活动的出发点和归宿点,合理调整结构,大力开拓市场,更好地满 I. About the Current Economic Situation 1. The national economy has shown a sound situation of “high growth and low inflation.” It has begun to enter a virtuous circle of moderate, rapid and relatively steady development. The entire national economy maintained the momentum of steady and rapid development, and the rate of price inflation dropped back to the lowest level in history year by year. From 1994 to 1997, the growth rate of the national GDP stabilized at 9% -12.6%. The price increase dropped from 21.7% in 1994 to 2% in 1997. In the past few years, the city’s GDP growth rate has remained stable at about 20%. It still reached 15% last year with more difficulties in all fields, especially under the influence of natural disasters in a century. The price inflation rate dropped from 22.8% in 1993 to 1% last year. 2, the market supply and demand has undergone a fundamental change, the long-standing shortage of the economy basically get rid of. We believe that bid farewell to the era of shortage economy is an essential symbol of our economic development and the improvement of the productive forces and a tremendous achievement made in the process of reform and opening up as well as economic construction. Under the new market environment, all levels of government and enterprises should firmly establish the market awareness and regard the market as the starting point and destination for all economic activities. They should reasonably adjust the structure, open up the market vigorously and be better satisfied
目的探讨黄芩苷抑制人结肠癌细胞(HCT116)增殖的分子机制。方法采用MTT比色法检测不同浓度的黄芩苷(0.01~100μg/ml)对体外培养的HCT116细胞增殖的抑制作用;采用Western blot
文章运用税收效能位差分析模型和税负预警分析模型,对我国县级税收管理进行考核的原理与方法进行了初步的实证研究。 The article makes a preliminary empirical study on
《特别文摘》2010年第10期《断点》一文中有一句话:领导的表情讳莫高深,先是问她会议通知的结果,然后才用温柔的语气说:“你上午辛苦了……” “Special Digest” 2010 the
2010年《特别文摘》第9期刊有《与墓为邻不避讳》一文,其中有这样一句话:“昱日晨,在一阵‘啾啾'的鸟鸣声中醒来……”句中的“昱日”应为“翌日”之误。昱, In the 9th iss