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原发性肝结核文献记载不多,儿童患者更属少见,我院曾收治1例,兹报导如下:患者,女,10岁,1977年9月23日入院。病儿于入院前十多天渐感右上腹有包块隆起,伴隐痛,无明显畏寒、发热,无咳嗽及呕吐,二便正常,发病后胃纳渐减。以往健康,家中无结核病者。入院检查:体温36.9℃,神志清,一般情况尚好,无皮疹及黄疸。右腋下有一鸽旦大淋巴结,质硬、稍活动、无触痛,心肺无特殊。腹软,右上腹隆起,肝上界于右锁骨中线6肋间,下界于右肋下10厘米,剑突下8厘米,质硬,触痛明显,脾未扪及。血常规检查无特殊,血沉66毫米/小时,肝功能检查麝香草酚浊度试验2单位,脑磷脂胆固醇絮状试验(一), Little documented primary liver tuberculosis, children are more rare patients, our hospital had admitted a case, it is reported as follows: The patient, female, 10 years old, September 23, 1977 admission. Sick children in the hospital more than 10 days gradually feel the right upper quadrant with bulging bulge, with pain, no obvious chills, fever, no cough and vomiting, two will be normal, reduced appetite after onset. Past health, no tuberculosis at home. Admission examination: body temperature 36.9 ℃, clear consciousness, the general situation is good, no rash and jaundice. There is a pigeon in the right armpit once a large lymph node, hard, slightly active, no tenderness, no special cardiopulmonary. Abdominal soft, right upper quadrant bulge, the upper boundary of the liver in the right subclavian midline 6 intercostal lower bound in the right rib 10 cm, 8 cm below the xiphoid, hard, tenderness, spleen not palpable. No abnormal blood tests, ESR 66 mm / h, liver function tests thymol turbidity test 2 units, brain phospholipid cholesterol flocculus test (a),
摘 要:微课作为新型的教育方式,可以很好地为高中物理探究性实验有效教学服务。本文指出高中物理探究性实验教学中存在的几个典型问题,对如何利用微课解决这些问题,怎样充分应用微课促进高中物理探究性实验有效教学进行阐述。  关键词:微课;高中物理;实验;有效教学  中图分类号:G633.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2016)13-041-1  微课与传统课堂教学相比“主题很突出,指向
济南市传染病医院自1960年9月至1962年6月22个月中共收治确诊为白喉的患者1,377例,本文将其临床资料着重于气管切开术、血清病及死亡病例方面分析如下: 一般资料分析1.1,377
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