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1945年8月16日,即日本帝国主义宣告无条件投降的第二天,一张《新生活报》在上海创刊。出版10余天后,从9月1日起,易名《时代日报》。这是中共领导的,以苏商名义出版的一张报纸。在国民党黑暗统治下的上海,它犹如一只勇敢的海燕在奋飞,呼喊着;让暴风雨来得更猛烈些吧! 《时代日报》与苏商时代出版社《时代日报》是“时代出版社”的一种出版物。还在1941年6月,苏、德战争爆发,国际形势发生重大变化。这时,姜椿芳同志受党的委派,与苏联塔斯社远东分社社长罗果夫进行磋商,希望得到帮助,尽快以“苏商”的名义在租界内出版中文报刊。罗果夫把苏侨匝开莫推荐给姜椿芳,并表示全部经费由苏联方面承担。经过短时间的紧张筹备,中文《时代》周刊于1941年8月20日创刊,社址设在吴江路(原斜桥弄)60号。《时代》周刊是第一次以苏商的名义出版 On August 16, 1945, the day after the Japanese imperialists declared their unconditional surrender, a new newspaper, New Life, was launched in Shanghai. Published more than 10 days, from September 1 onwards, renamed “Times Daily.” This is a newspaper under the CPC’s leadership published in the name of the Soviet Union. In Shanghai under the dark rule of the Kuomintang, it is like a brave Swallow who flies and shouts; let the storm go harder! “Time Daily” and “Su Dian Times Press” “Times Press” A publication. In June 1941, the outbreak of the Soviet-German war broke out. Major changes have taken place in the international situation. At this time, Comrade Jiang Chun-fang was appointed by the party to hold discussions with Rogoff, the president of the Far East Branch of the Tass Socialist Society in the Soviet Union, hoping to get help to publish Chinese newspapers and periodns in the concession as soon as possible under the name of “Soviet merchants.” Rogoff recommended the overseas Chinese to Jiang Chun-fang, and said that all the funding should be borne by the Soviet Union. After a short period of intense preparation, the Chinese “Time” magazine was founded on August 20, 1941, and its site was located at No. 60 Wujiang Road (formerly Wangqiao). Time magazine is published for the first time in the name of the Soviet Union