忙碌了一周,终于迎来了期盼已久的幸运周末。睡到自然醒,伸个懒腰,洗漱用餐完毕,这时阳光透过半掩的窗幔照在小屋里,心情好像也跟着灿烂了起来。这时候,在桌上放上一盘形状可爱的饼干,倒上一杯香浓的咖啡(我喜欢多加牛奶并且放入两块方糖)……好了,一切准备就绪,Let’s relax ourselves and starttoday’s topic!(又到了我们放松心情,分享心情的时候了!)这时候你最好什么都不去想,闭上眼睛,与我一起走进电影……
After a busy week, we finally ushered in the long-awaited lucky weekend. When I woke up in nature, I woke up, stretched out, washed and finished the meal. At this time, the sun shined through the half-shutter window and reflected in the hut. The mood seemed to be brightened up. At this time, put a plate of cute cookies on the table and pour a cup of fragrant coffee (I like to add more milk and put in two pieces of sugar cubes)...Okay, everything is ready, Let’s relax ourselves and starttoday’s topic !(It is time for us to relax and share our feelings!) At this moment, you better not think about anything, close your eyes, and go into the movie with me...