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方法依据灰色系统理论、测井地质综合评价分析准则和自动处理方法,分析了科尔沁油田交2断块九佛堂组储层及其资料;利用建立的评价解释参数、标准、权系数和自动分析解释系统,对该区断块20多口井主要目的层段储层进行了综合评价处理。目的为该区断块进一步勘探开发提供地质依据。结果通过对该区断块20余口井主要目的层段储层进行综合评价和实际处理,建立了储层综合评价的解释参数、标准、权系数和自动分析解释系统,经应用获得了较为满意的效果。结论利用灰色系统理论,能够为该区交2断块九佛堂组储层作出较为可靠的地质解释和评价。 Methods According to the gray system theory, comprehensive evaluation criteria and automatic processing method of logging geology, the reservoir and its data of Jiufotang Formation in the Jiaokou fault block of Horqin Oilfield were analyzed. The evaluation parameters, standard, weight coefficient and automatic analysis Explain the system, and comprehensively evaluate and process the reservoirs of the main purpose in more than 20 wells in this area. The purpose is to provide geological basis for the further exploration and development of fault blocks in this area. Results Through the comprehensive evaluation and actual treatment of the reservoirs in more than 20 wells in this area, the interpretation parameters, standards, weight coefficients and automatic analysis and interpretation system of reservoir comprehensive evaluation were established, which were satisfied with the application Effect. Conclusion Based on the gray system theory, it is possible to make a more reliable geological interpretation and evaluation for the Jiufotang Formation reservoir in the Jiaokou fault block.
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