中华人民共和国商务部公告 2007年 第81号

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根据《中华人民共和国反倾销条例》的规定,中华人民共和国商务部于2006年11月22日发布立案公告,决定对原产于日本、台湾地区和新加坡的进口甲乙酮(以下称被调查产品)进行反倾销调查。商务部对被调查产品是否存在倾销和倾销幅度、被调查产品是否对国内产业造成损害及损害程度以及倾销与损害之间的因果关系进行了调查。根据调查结果和《中华人民共和国反倾销条例》第二十四条的规定,商务部于2007年8月8日发布初裁公告,认定原产于日本、台湾地区和新加坡的进口甲乙酮存在倾销, In accordance with the “Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Anti-dumping Regulations”, the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China issued an announcement on November 22, 2006, deciding to anti-dumping imports of methyl ethyl ketone (hereinafter referred to as the investigated product) originating in Japan, Taiwan, and Singapore. survey. The Ministry of Commerce investigated whether there was dumping and dumping margins in the products under investigation, whether the products under investigation caused damage and damage to domestic industries, and the causal relationship between dumping and damage. According to the results of the investigation and the provisions of Article 24 of the Anti-dumping Regulations of the People’s Republic of China, the Ministry of Commerce issued a preliminary announcement on August 8, 2007, stating that there was dumping of imported methyl ethyl ketone from Japan, Taiwan, and Singapore.
百年好合  M,今夜,我在月色如你的洛河之南  把月光,披作洛神的金缕衣  在一个农夫的田埂上,站成一株玉米  裸出金黄饱满的籽粒  期待天亮时,被他收割回家,被他摊在  洒满阳光的小院  在冬天来临之前,颗粒归仓  并喂养他,长长的一生  成为他的肋骨、发肤、体液,成为他的  喜、怒、哀、乐  百年之后,和他一起埋在  屋后的山梁  ——那里植被茂密,可以荫及  他的子孙后代  梨花爱  别怀疑
China’s only investment event-the CIFIT-is expected to play a more important part in transnational investment and cooperationThe opening of an annual investme
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A massive earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter Scale struck the city of Tangshan at 3:42 a.m. on July 28, 1976. The city, which had history of well over 100