BIRTV2000已经降下了帷幕。作为新千年的第一次展览会,她吸引了国际上众多知名企业前来参展。他们将此次展会作为本公司在亚太地区的重点活动,同时也作为宣传公司形象,推广新技术、新产品的一个非常好的机会,许多公司的高层人士纷至沓来。品尼高(Pinnacle)系统有限公司以数字视频特技著称于世,主要生产广播级专业数字视频产品。该公司创始人之一,现任董事长Ajay Chopra先生专程从美国总部赶来亲临展会。本刊编辑部在展会期间,有幸对Ajay Chopra先生进行了专访……。
BIRTV2000 has already lowered its curtain. As the first exhibition of the new millennium, she attracted many well-known international companies to come to the exhibition. They used the exhibition as a key activity of the company in the Asia-Pacific region. At the same time, they also served as a very good opportunity to promote the image of the company and promote new technologies and products. Many high-level people from companies came to visit. Pinnacle Systems Co., Ltd. is known for its digital video special effects, and it mainly produces broadcast professional digital video products. One of its founders, the current chairman, Mr. Ajay Chopra, made a special trip from the US headquarters to the exhibition. The editorial department of the journal had the privilege of conducting an exclusive interview with Mr. Ajay Chopra during the exhibition.