Observations of upper layer turbulent mixing in the southern South China Sea

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ying33809
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A turbulent microstructure experiment was undertaken at a low latitude of 10°N in the South China Sea in late August 2012. The characteristics of the eddy diffusivity above 650 m were analyzed, which is one order of magnitude larger than that in the open ocean at that low latitude. Enhanced eddy diffusivities by strong shears and sharp changes in topography were observed. The strongest eddy diffusivity occurred in the mixed layer, and it reached O(10–2 m2/s). Strong stratification in the thermocline inhibited the penetration of surface eddy diffusivities through the thermocline, where the mixing was weakest. Below the thermocline, where the background eddy diffusivity was approximately O(10–6 m2/s), the eddy diffusivity increased with depth, and its largest value was O(10–3 m2/s). A turbulent microstructure experiment was undertaken at a low latitude of 10 ° N in the South China Sea in late August 2012. The characteristics of the eddy diffusivity above 650 m were analyzed, which is one order of magnitude larger than that in the open ocean at that low latitude. Enhanced eddy diffusivities by strong shears and sharp changes in topography were observed. The strongest eddy diffusivity was in the mixed layer, and it reached O (10-2 m2 / s). Strong stratification in the thermocline inhibited the penetration of surface eddy diffusivities through the thermocline, where the mixing was weakest. Below the thermocline, where the background eddy diffusivity was approximately O (10-6 m2 / s), the eddy diffusivity increased with depth, and its largest value was O (10- 3 m2 / s).
斑叶兰(Goodyera schlechtendaliana Rchb.f.)为兰科斑叶兰属多年生草本植物,以全草入药,性平,味甘、辛,具有润肺止咳,补肾益气,行气活血,消肿解毒的功效。用于肺痨咳嗽,气管炎,头晕乏力,神经衰弱;外用治疗乳痈,疖疮,毒蛇咬伤,瘰疬,民间多有应用,但中国药典还未收载。关于其化学成分、药理作用、制剂、质量控制等方面有关的研究也鲜有报道,本文开展斑叶兰化学成分的分析及其应