Analysis of the Influence of Bauhaus's Design Education Concept on Modern Design Education

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  Bauhaus is the world's first design school established entirely for the development of modern design education. Its establishment marks the birth of modern education in the world and has a profound impact on the development of modern world design education.As a modern design school, Bauhaus has its complete design education philosophy.1. Technology and art should be harmonious and unified; 2. Visual sensitivity reaches a rational level; 3. Scientific, technical understanding of materials, structure, texture, color; 4. Collective work is the core of design; 5. Artists, enterprises Home and technical personnel should work closely together; 6. Student work and business projects are closely combined.Below I mainly combine the first and sixth points with my own experience for a brief analysis.
  We are more about completing the communication of design ideas and design concepts, not only the role of a single aspect of vision, but also the experience of multimedia and multi-sensory design. The work not only acts on the consumer's visual experience, but also allows the consumer to have a multi-sensory experience.This requires that our design works not only need rich content, but also have more diverse forms of expression, which makes the work more powerful, makes the work stand out, and has powerful software production technology. Our software technology is After completing the production of a series of text and other content, we must continue to analyze, how to blend the text and other elements, and not ashamed, this is a designer, especially need to pay attention.
  “Artists must learn industrial production knowledge. Artists must create industrial production services so that they can participate directly in production. At the same time, industrial practitioners must have certain aesthetic capabilities and Artistic literacy, thus achieving the unity of artistic beauty and industrial beauty, the harmony of technology and art."Applying to our visual communication design, for the simplest example, in the production of poster posters, we must not only have superb software technology, but the pictures and texts are not just a single medium in our hands. More is to create a tension that attracts the visual eye.This process not only requires the technology of our software to be stronger, but also we need to understand the printing technology, processing technology, so that our design works can also guarantee the technology of production while achieving the desired effect.In this case, we can't just rely on the printing staff who master the printing process. We have to learn more about certain printing processes. We have our own control over the printing process, so that we can make the works we designed. Both the design level and the production level can achieve the desired expectations that we are satisfied with.After having a powerful software production technology, it is only a part of the completion. After completing the production of text and other content, our software technology will continue to analyze how to integrate text images and other elements in a clever way. The finished picture can be harmoniously matched with the elements of the text, and it is not awkward.   I found that in my daily design, I used more of my own subjective ideas to design, and did not design according to the needs of consumers or the needs of designing Party A, just Thinking on my own level, which is destined for me to design things, just have my own ideas in it, and may not be recognized by the social and consumer markets.I believe that students should actively participate in project practice and project training. Only through project practice can they find out the gaps they are in. Otherwise, they should only work behind closed doors. The design process should be diversified. It should be open and should not be closed. Design needs Communication and integration, just as we are in the process of communication with the teacher, we have designed the solution to have our own ideas, but even after constant changes, we just stayed on our own ideas and did not say It is designed according to the customer's wishes. Because the customer's style preferences are different, the works that I have designed are more of a certain formula. This kind of work can be applied to classroom work, but it is not suitable for future use. Project practice, so students should carry out more project docking, so that their homework is more integrated with the project, so that they can get exercise in the practice of the project.Just like Bauhaus's design philosophy: "Art design should break the traditional traditional teaching constraints, and should go out more to let students receive the exercise of practical projects. The design works should adapt to the social environment and adapt to the social development environment. ".
  Although the times have been advancing and design has continued to evolve, Bauhaus and Bauhaus's design education philosophy has had a major impact on modern design and design education.In the future art design creation, we must adhere to the design philosophy of Bauhaus, continue to learn the educational ideas of Bauhaus design, and combine excellent design and creation techniques. Only in this way can we create excellent and popular designs.
摘要:师范生在培养过程中不仅要强化专业技能的提升,更应该关注职业道德以及理想的培养。《教师职业道德》作为师范类专业核心课程,对于培养学生的道德素养具有重要价值。以往的课程教学方式存在意识形态浓厚、教学方式单一、课堂气氛枯燥乏味等问题。本文以人本主义理论为基础阐述讨论式教学法在课程教学中的优势与作用。  关键字:讨论式教学;职业道德;师范生    一、课程改革背景  未来教师的培养,不仅要熟练掌握本
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摘要:新形势下,如何运用好榜样教育法对大学生进行思想政治教育是高校思想政治教育工作者应当关注的问题。本文从榜样教育的特点出发,分析当前高校榜样教育中存在的问题,在此基础上探讨大学生榜样教育的路径。  关键词:榜样教育;大学生;思想政治教育    榜样教育法是大学生思想政治教育中的重要方法,是指通过具有典型、榜样意义的人或事的示范引导、警示警戒作用,教育人们提高思想认识、规范自身行为的方法。[1]新
摘要:随着习近平总书记提出要把思想政治工作贯穿教育教学全过程这个重要思想,课程思政作为一种新的教学理念也越来越受到教员的重视,在教学中将德育教育与专业知识教育有效的结合起来,实现立德树人的目标,达到培养高质量人才的目的。本文主要从教学内容入手巧妙地将思政元素融入《高等数学》课程教学中,使学员在学习数学知识的同时受到良好的思政教育。  关键词:高等数学;课程思政;立德树人;思政元素    习近平总书
大学生党员是我们中国共产党新增党员的重要来源,做好大学生党员教育管理工作,不仅是高校党建工作的重要任务也是保持党的先进性和纯洁性的关键。  1 党员先锋模范作用减弱的原因  大一学生进入大学后,经过党的启蒙教育,很多学生都及时提交入党申请,并能严格按照党员发展条件,积极展示自我,锻炼能力,在生活中勇于奉献,乐于助人,能从思想上积极向党组织靠拢,愿意早日成为一名中共党员。但是在入党后个别学生党员却出
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