
来源 :上海体育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:minloveyou
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随着物质水平的提高和科学技术的发展,中老年人的健康状况益发引起人们的关注。目前,国内外不少学者对中老年人体育锻炼与健康水平的研究与评价,已由单一的或一般的健康检查转为综合评价,即把身体形态、机能和运动机能评定等指标,用数理统计方法,组成一个综合的统计量,从而全面、科学地反映中老年人的健康状况。本文通过对1015例中老年人常规体检、机能状况和运动机能水平的评定,试图找出体育锻炼对中老年人各器官 With the improvement of the material level and the development of science and technology, the health benefits of the elderly have aroused people’s attention. At present, many scholars at home and abroad have studied and evaluated the physical exercise and health level of middle-aged and old people from single or general health examination to comprehensive evaluation, that is, the body shape, function and motor function evaluation and other indicators, using mathematical Statistical methods to form a comprehensive statistics to fully and scientifically reflect the health of the elderly. In this paper, 1015 cases of middle-aged and elderly general physical examination, functional status and assessment of motor function, trying to find out the physical exercise of various organs of the elderly
Spartina is a kind of very important and invasive grass. In its native range, it is very important for erosion control, fish, wildlife, and estuary reclamation.
To produce high-affinity monoclonal antibodies against pesticide carbofuran, and the develop immunochemical assays for people’s health and environmental protec
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纵观2015年高考14套语文试题的作文,材料作文仍是出题者的最爱。如何在有限的时间内快速入题,写出一篇让阅卷老师在传说的30秒时间内即能判断出该文符合要求的考场作文,自然是考生所向往的。笔者就写新材料作文如何快速入题总结出一些方法,考生只要在平时有意识地多加练习,掌握技巧,考场上就能快速入题,写出符合要求的作文。  我们以下面这则材料的作文训练为例,谈谈如何快速入题,写好议论文开头段。  材料:一
本文研究了硫酸介质中痕量Se(Ⅳ)催化加速碘酸钾、过氧化氢和中性红之间的褪色反应及动力学条件,建立了动力学光度法测定痕量Se(Ⅳ)的新方法,其灵敏度为1.6×10~(-11)g/mL Se
阿糖胞苷(Ara C)是治疗髓性恶性肿瘤的最有效的药物之一。急性白血病患者在完全缓解后使用大剂量Ara C能够减少复发,并且获得更好的无病生存。然而对于老年白血病患者(年龄 6