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玛可河林区是长江流域大渡河源头面积最大、分布最集中、海拔最高的一片天然原始林区,位于青海省东南部,高山峡谷地貌,属三江源自然保护区,在全国林业区划中界定为重点生态公益型林区,具有水源涵养、调节气候、水土保持等重要的生态功能,是国家生态建设的重要地区。林区以川西云杉和紫果云杉为优势树种组成寒温带针叶林,分布在海拔3200~4200米之间的高山峡谷中,这是森林生长的极限地带。林区总面积101,602公顷,森林蓄积量47,840立方米,森林覆盖率为59.02%。林区共有森林植物67科466种,被列入国家野生植物保护名录的有红花绿绒蒿、角盘兰、大花勺兰等珍稀植物。林区内繁衍的白唇鹿、北山羊等国家一级保护野生动物种类达12种,占全省所拥有种类的近一半;猕猴、小熊猫等国家二级保护野生动物有32种,占全省的61%。另外,玛可河内珍稀水生动物——川陕哲罗 Ma Kehe forest area is the source area of ​​the Dadu River in the Yangtze River Basin with the largest area, the most concentrated distribution and the highest elevation in the area. It is located in the southeastern part of Qinghai Province and is characterized by high mountains and canyons. It belongs to Sanjiangyuan Nature Reserve and is defined in the national forestry zoning As the key ecological and ecological forest area, has important ecological functions such as water conservation, climate regulation and soil and water conservation, and is an important area for national ecological construction. The forest area is dominated by spruce trees of Chuanxi and Picea meyeri and is composed of temperate coniferous forests, distributed in alpine valleys between 3200 and 4200 meters above sea level, which is the limit of forest growth. The total area of ​​101,602 hectares of forest, forest volume 47,840 cubic meters, the forest coverage rate was 59.02%. There are 466 species of 67 families of forest plants in the forest area, and the rare plants that are included in the catalog of national wild plant protection include Coniflora sativus, Angular campanulaceae and Dahua scallop. There are 12 species of first-class protected wild animals such as white-lipped deer and northern goat breed in the forest area, accounting for nearly half of the total species in the province. There are 32 second-class protected wild animals such as macaque and red panda, 61%. In addition, Marco River rare aquatic animals - Chuan-Shan Gero
为探讨长期贮藏拉伸膜裹包苜蓿Medicago sativa青贮饲料养分的体外消化率,采用两步法测定体外干物质消化率(IVDMD)和体外粗蛋白消化率(IVCPD),采用一步法测定体外中性洗涤纤维消化
目的于急性下肢动脉硬化闭塞症患者介入治疗中应用分期同步护理,分析其应用价值。方法 2017年1月—2018年12月期间,以随机数表法为分组原则,从该院挑选100例接受介入治疗的急