Characterization of Nucleation Behavior in Temperature-Induced BCC-to-HCP Phase Transformation for H

来源 :金属学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wxdong2009
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Phase transformation is one of the essential topics in the studies on high entropy alloys (HEAs).However,characterization of the nucleation behavior in the phase transformation for HEAs is still challenging through experimental methods.In the present work,HfNbTaTiZr HEA was chosen as the representative material,and molecular dynamics/Monte Carlo (MD/MC) simulations were performed to investigate the nucleation behavior in temperature-induced BCC-to-HCP transformation for this HEA system.The results indicate that Nb-Ta,Ti-Zr,Hf-Zr and Hf-Ti atom pairs are preferred in the BCC solid solution of HfNbTaTiZr HEA and Hf-Ti-Zr-rich atom cluster with chemical short range order acts as the nucleation site for HCP phase.The nucleation process follows the non-classical two-step nucleation model:BCC-like structure with severe lattice distortion forms first and then HCP structure nucleates from the BCC-like structure.Moreover,at low temperature,the BCC-to-HCP nucleation hardly occurs,and the BCC solid solution is stabilized.The present work provides more atomic details of the nucleation behavior in temperature-induced BCC-to-HCP phase transformation for HEA,and can help in deep understanding of the phase stability for HEAs.
在连续热镀锌生产线中,清洗段需要热脱盐水用于清洗带钢表面的油污和铁粉[1].热脱盐水采用与余热回收及蒸汽加热的过热水循环系统换热制取.马钢(合肥)板材有限责任公司连续热镀锌线过热水循环系统采用节能优化技术,根据流体力学与热交换原理,通过对系统中水泵、阀门与管网、换热器、补水罐等单元进行优化控制,将闭路循环的过热水终端的温度、流量和工艺参数严格控制在设定的区间内,达到吸收退火炉排放的热量并加热清洗脱 盐水的目的.
在连续热镀锌带钢生产中,退火炉作为整条机组产线的核心,该岗位的操作工常被定为“关键岗”,由此说明连续退火炉在镀锌机组中的地位是不可替代的.由于连续热镀锌机组设备构成复杂,产品缺陷也多种多样,其中处理起来最为困难的当属发生在炉辊结瘤而产生的硌印或划伤.由于作业环境恶劣,且不可直观观察,因而导致处理过程异常困难,对产品质量及产线的连续性运行影响很大,所以工艺执行及退火炉的日常维护就显得尤为重要.本文着重介绍设备维护对设备寿命和产品质量的 影响.
溅射靶材是半导体芯片加工中的配线材料,由于集成电路设计复杂,金属配线对导电性能要求很高[1-2],因此对真空环境下的溅射金属的纯度要求非常严苛,要求纯度达到 99.999%[3-4],本研究选用5NAl作为溅射材料.rn靶材的基座背板主要起到固定和托底的作用,同时在溅射过程中起到迅速冷却的作用[5-6],因此需要选用一种具有一定强度的金属起固定作用,并在长时间的高压下不易变形,易散热的材料作为背板金属[7-8],同时需要和铝具备较好的焊接性,本研究选用TU1-Cu作为背板材料.
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