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球后注射是眼科常用的一种治疗方法,用于内眼手术前麻醉睫状神经节,以达到手术时无痛的目的,绝对期青光眼的止痛措施或降低眼压,治疗眼底病时应用。 注射方法:注射前做好病人的思想工作,以及各项准备工作,严格执行无菌操作。病人取仰卧位,分别用2%碘酊和75%酒精消毒下睑缘至眶下缘附近的皮肤,操作者站在病人的头顶端,固定头部,并嘱病人向正上方注视,保持眼球不转动,左手用棉签压紧消毒区边缘的皮肤,右手持吸好药液的注射器,在眶下缘中外1/3交界处经皮肤垂直刺入1.5~2mm,再将针头略向上方倾斜,朝眶尖缓慢推进,针尖刺入3.5~4cm时回抽无液体及回血,且无较大阻力,即将药物缓缓注入球后,注射完毕,将针头拔出,用无菌棉签压迫片刻,通过临床观察,压迫时间长一些更好,用无菌棉签加手掌压迫注射部位和眼球,效果更佳,病人闭目休息。 如注射方法不当,或部位掌握不好,如进针过于偏向鼻侧而刺入神经鞘或血管内,针头在眶内摆动, Posterior ball injection is a commonly used method of ophthalmology for anesthesia before intraocular surgery ciliary ganglion in order to achieve the purpose of painless surgery, absolute glaucoma pain relief measures or reduce intraocular pressure, the treatment of fundus disease application. Injection method: the patient’s ideological work well before injection, as well as the preparation, strict implementation of aseptic operation. Patients supine position, respectively, with 2% iodine and 75% alcohol disinfection of the skin under the eyelid edge to infraorbital margin, the operator stood on top of the patient’s head, fixed the head, and instruct the patient to the top of the eye to keep the eye does not Rotate the left hand with a cotton swab to squeeze the skin at the edge of the disinfection zone, the right hand holding a good syringes syringe, in the infraorbital margin of the outer 1/3 junction piercing the skin perpendicular to 1.5 ~ 2mm, and then the needle slightly upward tilt, The orbital apex slowly advancing, needle puncture 3.5 ~ 4cm back without liquid and back to the blood, and no greater resistance, the drug is slowly injected into the ball, the injection is completed, the needle pulled out, with a sterile cotton swab for a while, through the clinical Observation, oppression longer some better, with a sterile cotton swab plus the oppression of the injection site and the eye, the effect is better, the patient closed their eyes and rest. If improper injection method, or parts of the mastery is not good, such as the needle is too biased to the nasal side and piercing the nerve sheath or blood vessels, the needle swing in the orbit,
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患儿黎×,男,小学生,1993年出生,2、4、6、15个月及6岁曾服小儿麻痹疫苗5剂,均无任何反应。2 0 0 1年4月6日出现上感症状,4月9日左右上肢及两下肢无力,4月12日因无法行走,住