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患者薛某某,女,41岁,农民,住院号:154611。以咳嗽、咳痰5个月,呼吸困难3个月于1982年12月20日住院。5个月前曾在外院喉科检查,诊为“声带乳头状瘤”,行肿瘤切除术,术后上述症状未减轻。3个月来呼吸困难日渐加重,考虑气管肿瘤收住院诊治。体检:T37℃,P80次,BP110/70,被迫左侧卧位,呼吸困难,浅表淋巴结不大,气管居中,两肺有痰鸣音,吸气延长,未闻及湿性罗音。心脏(一)、间接喉镜下见左侧假声带后1/3处有新生物突出,病理诊为“左假声带乳头状瘤”。X线检查(829831号)胸部正位吸气片示:两肺透光度高(与呼气片比较), Patient Xue Moumou, female, 41 years old, farmer, hospital number: 154611. Five months of coughing and coughing and three months of dyspnea were admitted to hospital on December 20, 1982. Five months ago, he was examined in the hospital’s throat department and diagnosed as a “vocal cord papilloma”. He underwent tumor resection and the above symptoms did not abate after surgery. Difficulties in breathing have increased over the past three months, considering the diagnosis and treatment of tracheal tumors. Physical examination: T37°C, P80 times, BP110/70, forced left lateral decubitus position, difficulty in breathing, superficial lymph nodes, central trachea, buzzing sound in both lungs, prolonged breathing, and no wet rales. In the heart (1) and the indirect laryngoscope, a new creature protrudes from the posterior 1/3 of the left auditory vocal cord. The pathological diagnosis is “papillary tumor with left false vocal cords.” An X-ray examination (No. 829831) shows a positive inhalation on the chest: high translucency in both lungs (compared to the expiratory patch),
一、概述血卟啉衍生物(Hematoporphyrin Derivatives,简称HPD)—光辐照(photoradiation Therapy简称PRT)诊治恶性肿瘤是近几年来正在兴起研究并受到国际上重视的一种利用化
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