1993年岁末,在北京举行的东方健康博览会上,一位年轻人连获三项殊荣;他研制的“复聪丸”获博览会科技进步金奖;他编著的《气功与耳聋复聪》获博览会科技进步著作奖,他被聘请为全国诊断专业诊疗研究中心耳聋病专业委员会主任、副研究员。他就是山西运城地区真元耳聋病研究所所长邵康立。 邵康立出身农家,八十年代初,从运城地区卫校毕业,进入运城市人民医院工作。一个夏季的周末,邵康立回到乡下老家,大伙聚在一起又说又笑,而他的奶
At the end of 1993, at Dongfang Health Expo held in Beijing, a young man won three special awards; his “Fu-tsung pill” won the Gold Medal of Science and Technology Progress in the Expo; and his “Qigong and deafness-Cong” Scientific and technological progress award, he was hired as the National Diagnostic Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of deafness professional committee director, associate professor. He is Shao Kangli, director of the Institute of Real Yuan Deafness in Yuncheng, Shanxi Province. Shao Kangli was born in a farmhouse. In the early 1980s, he graduated from the Weihai Medical School and entered the Yuncheng Municipal People’s Hospital. A summer weekend, Shao Kangli back home in the country, everyone together and said another laugh, and his milk