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林业作为生态建设的主体,始终是党和国家高度重视的重 大问题。党的十六大以来,党中央、国务院更是从中华民族生存 与发展的战略高度,把林业生态建设作为全面实现小康社会生 态良好目标,改善生态环境、实现经济和社会可持续发展的重大 举措。如何贯彻落实中央指示精神,找准工作的切入点和着力 点,实现林业在新世纪的跨越式发展,是摆在林业部门面前的一 项紧迫课题。长治市委、市政府认真贯彻十六大精神,努力实践 “三个代表”重要思想,倾力实施大绿色发展战略,把百强调产工 程与生态建设紧密结合起来,落实林业行政执法责任制,坚持依 法治林、依法兴林,加强林业法制化建设,林业生态建设取得了 显著成绩。 一、提高认识、加强领导,是实行执法责任制的基础。 林业局作为政府的一个重要执法部门,担负着生态建设的 As the main body of ecological construction, forestry has always been a major issue that the party and the state attach great importance to. Since the 16th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council took the strategic height of the survival and development of the Chinese nation as a major measure to fully realize the ecological well-off goal of a well-to-do society, improve the ecological environment and achieve sustainable economic and social development . How to implement the spirit of the directives of the Central Government, find out the starting point and focal point of the work and realize the leap-forward development of forestry in the new century is an urgent task before the forestry department. Changzhi Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government conscientiously implement the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the CPC, strive to implement the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ endeavor to implement the strategy of large-scale green development, closely integrate the project of carrying out the top 100 production with the ecological construction, and implement the responsibility system for forestry administrative law enforcement , Sticking to the principle of governing forests according to law and rejuvenating forests according to law so as to strengthen the legalization of forestry and make remarkable achievements in the construction of forestry ecological construction. First, raising awareness and stepping up leadership are the basis for implementing the responsibility system for law enforcement. As an important law enforcement department of the government, the Forestry Bureau is responsible for ecological construction
安徽省宿州市委市政府认真贯彻落实中央要求,深入开展党的群众路线教育实践活动,强化督查,转变作风,促进经济社会全面发展。201 3年下半年以来,全市开展以“点燃激情,提升效
沙滩网球(Beach tennis)——这种羽毛球、沙滩排球和泳装秀的杂交品种,已经成了美国最新潮的夏季运动,有2.5万人正踩着沙子,在劲爆的音乐、比基尼女郎和小商小贩的加油声中打
虽然被大威横扫,莎娃的攻击性仍然不可小视。至少,这次又有新的证据——一:“来自地狱的尖叫”这是NBC前首席网球评论员Bud Collins专栏对莎娃的评语。这位采访温网三十多年
经国务院批准,国家林业局决定在今后一个时期内集中力量实施六大林业重点工程。分别是:天然林资源保护工程;三北和长江中下游地区防护林工程;退耕还林还草工程; Approved b
目的:探讨心肌肌钙蛋白Ⅰ(cardiac troponin Ⅰ,简称cTnI)对溶栓治疗急性心肌梗死(AMI)时的检测意义。方法:观察比较42例急性心肌梗死(AMI)患者和30例无Q波心肌梗死患者的cTn