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社会主义公有制企业内部,始终存在着资产的公有权同经营者个人经营行为的矛盾.这一矛盾的两个方面既是统一的,又是对立的,公有资产的安全与增殖,必须通过经营者个人的经营行为去实现;经营者个人又必须依赖公有资产去实现经营目标,两者互相依存,不可分割,同处于一个利益共同体之中。因此说在一般条件下,它们是统一的。同时,在国有企业内,又存在着公有利益和私人利益的矛盾,因为经营者个人是抽象的所有者,不是具体的所有者,公共利益的损益很难落实到经营者个人身上;经营者的私人利益既同公共利益结合在一起,又独立存在于公共利益之外。这就为掌权者提供了以权谋私的客观可能性。以权谋私的客观可能性,要变为主观现实性,取决于企业外部和内部的两方面条件。外部条件主要是指:在市场经济体制下,多元 There are always contradictions between the public ownership of assets and the individual business operations of operators within the socialist public-owned enterprises, and the two aspects of this contradiction are both unification and opposites. The security and proliferation of public assets must be managed through individual operators Business operators to achieve; individual managers must rely on public assets to achieve business objectives, both interdependent and indivisible, with the same in a community of interests. Therefore, under normal conditions, they are unified. At the same time, there are contradictions between public interests and private interests in state-owned enterprises because the individual operator is the abstract owner and not the specific owner, and it is very difficult for the profit and loss of the public interest to be implemented on the individual operators. Private interests combine with the public interest and exist independently of the public interest. This provides the rulers with the objective possibility of using their power for personal gains. The objective possibility of abuse of power for personal gain, to become subjective reality, depends on both external and internal conditions of the enterprise. External conditions mainly refers to: In the market economy system, multiple
鉴于国际经济环境和国内客观经济形势变化,企业改革发展出现了一些新情况,需要企业敏锐洞察新形势,把握发展趋向。为此,有关专家最近告诫企业界,要沉着迎接8大挑战。 In vi
彼特是圣·托马斯小学的门卫。他是一个好心的人,但却有一个不小的缺点。他喜欢捕风捉影,对一些见闻添油加醋、夸大其辞。他编造的故事常常不着边际,耸 Pitt is a guard at
金属杆处于匀强磁场中的导轨上滑动时,由于切割磁感线而产生感应电流,磁场对杆产生的安培力,又反过来影响杆的运动. 这样,金属杆运动时,受到变化的合外力,做非匀变速直线运动,经历一个动态变化过程,最终达到一个稳定的收尾状态,这个状态时的速度称为金属杆的收尾速度,加速度是金属杆的收尾加速度.   一、单杆在导轨上滑动的收尾速度  由一根金属杆和导轨组成的回路. 不论杆是否受到外力作用、是否有初速度,不论
在进入这个阴冷凄凉的噩梦之前,先看看此刻的时间,记下来。好吧,你现在可以完全忘记现在的时间了。现在是2011年新年的凌晨,你刚刚和朋友们一起倒数完2010年的最后10秒 Befo
平果铝业公司15亿元债权转股权协议,于1999年11月18日在北京签署,这是国家开发银行、信达资产管理公司与我国有色金属工业签署的第一份债转股协议。 平果铝业公司一期工程19