Spike protein homology between the SARS-associated virus and murine hepatitis virus implies existenc

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Coronavirus has been determined to be the cause of the recent outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Human coronavirus 229E had been studied well and its receptor-binding domain was restricted to aa417—547 of S protein. However, this region has no homology with the newly separated SARS-associated virus (Hong Kong isolate CUHK-W1). Then we analyzed the phylogenesis of S1 subunit of the coronavirus spike protein (SARS-associated virus, Hong Kong isolate CUHK-W1). Interestingly, the highest homology between murine hepatitis virus (MHV) and SARS-associated coronavirus was found. And the important sites (aa62—65 and aa214—216) on the spike protein of MHV with receptor-binding capacity were highly conservative in comparison with the newly separated SARS-asso- ciated virus (the corresponding sites are aa51—54 and aa195—197). These results from bioinformatics analysis might help us to study the receptor-binding sites of SARS-associ- ated virus and the mechanism of the virus entry into the target cell, and design antiviral drugs and potent vaccines. Coronavirus has been determined to be the cause of the recent outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Human coronavirus 229E had been well and its receptor-binding domain was restricted to aa 417-547 of S protein. However, this region has no homology with the newly isolated SARS-associated virus (Hong Kong isolate CUHK-W1). Then we analyzed the phylogenesis of S1 subunit of the coronavirus spike protein (SARS-associated virus, Hong Kong isolate CUHK-W1). Interestingly, the highest homology Between the murine hepatitis virus (MHV) and SARS-associated coronavirus was found. And the important sites (aa62-65 and aa 214-216) on the spike protein of MHV with receptor-binding capacity were highly conservative in comparison with the newly established SARS- These results from bioinformatics analysis might help us to study the receptor-binding sites of SARS-associated-ated virus and the mechanism of the virus entry into the target cell, and design antiviral drugs and potent vaccines.
[摘要] 随着我国教育政策的革新,高校规模在不断扩张,高校后勤也随之进行了社会化改革。但是在运行的过程中,出现了许多问题和缺陷。如何创新高校后勤的财务管理,提高资产运营效率,保证高校经营性资产的保值增值,促进高校后勤的发展是众多高校普遍面临的问题和挑战。本文首先分析了高校后勤财务管理的特殊性,然后指出在运行上出现的问题,最后对创新高校后勤财务管理的途径进行了探析。  [关键词] 高校后勤财务管理创
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