
来源 :中国建材 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenfurongyalan
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建材工业是重要的基础材料产业,也是支撑国家经济发展、国防建设、改善人居条件和保护生态环境的重要产业。在建材工业转型升级向纵深转折,以供给侧改革推进去产能、补短板、调结构和稳增长的关键时刻,国务院高度关注建材工业的转型发展,在继去年12月单独听取中国建材联合会就建材工业稳增长调结构的汇报后,又委托工业和信息化部等政府部门多次听取行业协会和中国建材等大企业的汇报,对当前建材工业经济运 Building materials industry is an important basic material industry, but also an important industry supporting the country’s economic development, national defense construction, improving living conditions and protecting the ecological environment. At a critical juncture in the transformation and upgrading of the building materials industry in order to push supply-side reforms to boost capacity, make up shortcomings, structural adjustment and steady growth, the State Council paid close attention to the transformation and development of the building materials industry. In December last year, the China Building Materials Federation On the steady growth of building materials industry to adjust the structure of the report, but also entrusted the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other government departments on many occasions to listen to industry associations and China Building Materials and other large enterprises report on the current building materials industry economic transport
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