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GATA转录因子家族广泛存在于植物病原真菌中,并参与调控多种生物过程,但在玉米大斑病菌(Setosphaeria turcica)中尚未见相关报道。本研究借助生物信息学技术手段,在玉米大斑病菌全基因组数据库中鉴定了5个GATA转录因子家族成员,分别命名为St GATA1~St GATA5,这些基因分别散布在基因组5条不同的scaffold链上。对其预测编码蛋白进行理化性质分析发现,St GATA3呈酸性,其余4个转录因子对应蛋白均呈碱性,且这5种蛋白都属于不稳定蛋白,其编码蛋白的氨基酸数目在278~1 080之间;对蛋白的保守结构域分析发现,该类转录因子都存在Zn F-GATA结构域,其中St GATA3和St GATA4都含有PAS结构域,St GATA4还含有两个PAC结构域;系统进化分析表明,St GATA2与番茄叶霉病菌(Passalora fulva)、荨麻青霉(Penicillium urticae)及构巢曲霉(Aspergillus nidulans)聚为一簇,另外4种大斑病菌GATA转录因子(St GATA1,St GATA3,St GATA4,St GATA5)聚为一类;进一步利用q RT-PCR技术对GATA转录因子家族基因的表达模式进行初步分析,结果发现St GATA1和St GATA3在菌丝时期的表达水平高于其他时期;St GATA2在侵入丝时期的表达量显著高于其他时期,并且在菌丝及分生孢子阶段都有较高的表达水平;St GATA4和St GATA5都在菌丝和分生孢子时期有较高表达量,其余时期表达水平较低(P<0.05)。本研究结果将为深入揭示玉米大斑病菌GATA转录因子家族的功能及探寻病害防治新途径提供参考与借鉴。 The family of GATA transcription factors is widespread in plant pathogenic fungi and is involved in the regulation of many biological processes, but no relevant reports have been reported in Setosphaeria turcica. In this study, bioinformatics techniques were used to identify five members of the GATA family of transcription factors in the genome-wide database of S. turcica, designated as St GATA1-St GATA5, respectively, which are interspersed in five different scaffold chains of the genome . The physical and chemical properties of the predicted protein showed that St GATA3 was acidic and the other four transcription factors were all basic, and all five proteins were unstable proteins. The number of amino acids of the encoded proteins ranged from 278 to 1 080 . The conserved domain of the protein showed that Zn F-GATA domain existed in these transcription factors, of which St GATA3 and St GATA4 both contained PAS domain and St GATA4 also contained two PAC domains. Phylogenetic analysis St GATA2 clustered with Passalora fulva, Penicillium urticae and Aspergillus nidulans, and the other four GATA transcripts (St GATA1, St GATA3 St GATA4 and St GATA5) were clustered into one group. The expression patterns of GATA transcription factor family genes were further analyzed by q RT-PCR. The results showed that the expression levels of St GATA1 and St GATA3 in mycelium stage were higher than those in other stages The expression level of St GATA2 in invasive silk was significantly higher than that in other periods and both of mycelial and conidial stages were higher. Both St GATA4 and St GATA5 were higher in mycelia and conidia The amount of expression, Lower (P <0.05) than the level of expression period. The results of this study will provide reference and reference for further revealing the function of GATA transcription factor family and searching for new ways of disease prevention and control.
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