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来美国20多年,什么都能适应得挺好,就是始终穿不惯高跟鞋,一般只穿平底鞋,或者干脆选择运动鞋。我这双脚虽然不大,但却特别宽厚,根本买不到合适的高跟鞋。母亲总是说:“你这对‘猪蹄儿’都是那些年光脚光出来的。”想来也是,当年我随父母下放到农村,那时我才10岁。一天清晨,我学着其他孩子的样子去捡粪肥,可在路上却遭到两个男孩的大声嘲笑:“快看城里来的丫头,捡粪肥还穿鞋呢!”邻 To the United States for more than 20 years, what can adapt to quite good, that is, always wear the heels, usually only wear flat shoes, or simply choose sports shoes. Although my feet are not large, but very generous, simply can not buy the right high heels. My mother always said, “You are the ones who have piggybacked on those years.” “And so too, when I was sent to rural areas with my parents, I was 10 years old. One day early in the morning, I learned the other children’s way to pick up manure, but on the road I was laughed at by two boys loudly: ”Look at the girl from the city and pick up manure and wear shoes!"
澳大利亚与香港曾经有过相同的宗主国 (即英国 ) ,都有相同的法律渊源 ,以及相似的从被殖民到脱离殖民统治的历史。本文通过考察澳大利亚逐步脱离英国普通法多方面原因 ,并根
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日本经历的三种刑事诉讼模式都属于非对抗式。它虽然受西方法律影响很大 ,在第二次世界大战之前曾经一度在一定范围内实行陪审团审判制度 ,第二次世界大战之后又吸收了诸多当
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