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澳大利亚与香港曾经有过相同的宗主国 (即英国 ) ,都有相同的法律渊源 ,以及相似的从被殖民到脱离殖民统治的历史。本文通过考察澳大利亚逐步脱离英国普通法多方面原因 ,并根据本国的情况建立相对独立的普通法的具体实践 ,试图对香港普通法的发展方向阐述一些初步的见解。我们有理由相信 ,香港的普通法在与中国法的磨合和交融过程中 ,将明显地摆脱英国普通法影响而走上发展具有香港特色的独立普通法体制。由此 ,香港的法律教育和司法制度都将发生一系列革命性的变化。看不到或不愿意看到这种变化都是令人忧虑的。法律界应该对这个大问题引起足够的重视 ,为香港法制的进一步发展献计献策。 Australia and Hong Kong have had the same sovereign state (ie Britain), have the same legal origin, and similar history from being colonized to detachment from colonial rule. This article attempts to expound some preliminary opinions on the development of common law in Hong Kong by examining Australia’s gradual departure from many reasons of common law in Britain and establishing a relatively independent common law practice according to its own conditions. We have every reason to believe that the common law in Hong Kong will obviously get rid of the influence of the common law in Britain and embark on the development of an independent common law system with the characteristics of Hong Kong in the course of its running-in with the Chinese law. As a result, a series of revolutionary changes will take place in Hong Kong’s legal education and judicial system. It is worrisome to see or not expect to see such a change. The legal profession should pay enough attention to this major issue and offer advice and suggestions for the further development of Hong Kong’s legal system.
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引 言借用卡尔·斯密特先生于 1 92 9年说过的一句名言 :当宪法法院在进行法律规范审查时 ,“司法将失去一切 ,政治则什么也未赢得”。〔 1〕 制定于 1 949年的《基本法》并
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.